I/O Device error when Deleting?

Dec 15, 2007
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I have Windows XP Media Edition 2004, Lately I have been having a few problems, I use Windows Live One Care for Firewall and backup.

I contacted OneCare because my OneCare won't preform a backup, the tech couldn't figure it out even after uninstalling my OneCare and installing the newer version(the reason I mention this is I am thinking the issue may be linked)

I am cleaning out my IM runtime folders and while doing so half the files give me an I/O device error when I try to remove them, can anyone explain to my what I/O device is used for deleting folders? This error causes my pc to freeze up until it figures it out which is also what happens when my OneCare won't run a backup, it also happens when I try to uninstall the Bellsouth help center program.

Are these maybe connected and does anyone have any ideas?
Well, it turns out, that the "help" I got from Windows Live OneCare didn't help, he removed the CD burning software on my pc thinking it was not a vital thing as it was software he wasn't familiar with, My PC quit burning CDs and saving or moving anything, removing the software corrupted my windows files and my pc could not preform a check disk, nor would Windows Media player work etc, I can't figure how he would remove something he didn't know about especially Media related when I have a media PC, and it came on the PC as I had told him.
I had to do a recovery and everything is fine now...go figure
But thank you for replying!