Art said:
It is a big deal. Life is about an self-organising arrangement
of self-replicating patterns in time/space. The first replicating
entites on earth were crystal structures in clays, after a couple
billion years the simple replicants had moved onto simple carbon
molecules ... i.e. the crystal self-replicants were a template for
carbon based molecules. Carbon based molecules became the bio soup
and look now, the carbon soups have evolved and are arguing about
"Big deal" thousands of miles apart over a bit of copper wire.
Btw some A-Life philosophers believe life was kick started by a
dormant virus like entity that crash landed on earth billions of
years ago from a meteorite, and that is how life travels through the
You only need to read about simple replication mechs from the likes
Langton or Conway to realize how easy the patterns need to be before
they get a grip on some substrate (in our case cardbon). It's a
"Big deal", little deal sort of thing.
I've explained to you before why I think it's a joke.
I think you explained you didn't have a clue what AL was
you thought it was AI (Articifial Intelligent). It's not
the same thing. Then you started waffling about the ghost
in the machine. (not a very credible scientific explanation)
I gave you a table of requirements for computer A-Life the
otherday, from Claus Emmeche definition. His definition was
based on J. Doyne Farmer and Aletta d'A Berlin definition
for life (God-fathers of A-Life science)
I've been at the philosophy and science game way before
you were in diapers.
I don't doubt it. You are a very old dinosaur compared to
me. I believe you were there when Thomas Edison first switched
on his electric light *grin*
Bullshit. Show me where I've ever done any fear mongering. It's vxers
who are the fear mongers.
Go to if you want to see who's doing the terrorising
in general. With regards you specifically I'll put it on the Art
Kopp "malware creeps" X-files profile todo list.
4Q (The Devil's Cyber Advocate) The VX genie is out of the bottle.
B.Sc (Hons), PhD B-Phil
p.s. Dear old ladies in your comfortable rocking chairs, do not
be terrified by A-Life and the next generation of computer virus,
it's not about destroying data, it's about existance. Next generation
computer virus are going to be way beyond the skill set of some
irresponsible malicious script kiddy mucking about. That was the
pre-biotic soup equivalent days of VX.