Guys i appreciate your help. I created my website from my laptop, and
everything appeared fine until i started going on other computers and found
that the page size is so huge, that theres actually scroll bars on sides and
bottom. It makes things hard because in order to read things, you now have
to use the side to side scroll button, and thats ridiculous.
Question... Shouldnt your page adjust, no matter what the viewer has thier
settings on, and no matter what computer its being viewed on? I mean, I dont
see these problems with professional websites, and this is making my website
look very amateur.
What is it that I have to do to make my frontpage website adjust size and
dimensions on all computers?
I went to "page size" under the view tab. I changed the size around and
experimented a little but the problem still persists.
everything appeared fine until i started going on other computers and found
that the page size is so huge, that theres actually scroll bars on sides and
bottom. It makes things hard because in order to read things, you now have
to use the side to side scroll button, and thats ridiculous.
Question... Shouldnt your page adjust, no matter what the viewer has thier
settings on, and no matter what computer its being viewed on? I mean, I dont
see these problems with professional websites, and this is making my website
look very amateur.
What is it that I have to do to make my frontpage website adjust size and
dimensions on all computers?
I went to "page size" under the view tab. I changed the size around and
experimented a little but the problem still persists.