i need to find & replace strings in a .reg file

  • Thread starter Thread starter twicethinking
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reg file is exported by windows registry, it is a unicode file and
there, and when i open it in binary mode, i could see two leading
character FF, FE in the beginning of the file ,but i could use text
editor open and edit it (notepad). i'm trying to find a command line
tool that could help me find & repalce strings in this reg file, any
reg file is exported by windows registry, it is a unicode file and
there, and when i open it in binary mode, i could see two leading
character FF, FE in the beginning of the file ,but i could use text
editor open and edit it (notepad). i'm trying to find a command line
tool that could help me find & repalce strings in this reg file, any

I''ve used GSAR.exe, available for free at:


But I'd have to wonder what you are planning on doing with the modified .reg
file. If your script is going to re-import it, that would seem a bit dicey.
the version of gsar I am familiar with does not do anchored searches or
context searches. It just looks for a string and, if found, replaces it. If
modifying the registry is your goal, it would be much safer to use vbscript
or some other scripting system to modify the registry directly, as you'd
have more control over the result.
