i need to create a taskpane filter

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  • Start date Start date


I use the taskpane feature, but I need to create a filter for the task list
that shows all incomplete tasks where the start date is the date that is
being displayed on the calendar or earlier. I don't know how to set that up.
Any advice?
Try explaining what you want clearly. Also what version are you running.

Judy Gleeson, Microsoft Most Valuable Professional, Outlook
Director, Acorn Training and Consulting
Author - Productiv_IT with Outlook

I like to view the taskpane on the right hand side in Outlook 2003 when I'm
viewing my calendar. I've edited the filter for the taskpane so that it
displays all tasks with a start date on or before today that have not been
completed. When I click on dates in the future, however, the taskpane is the
same. I'd like the taskpane to display all tasks with a start date on or
before the date that I have selected at the moment, so if I click on a date
on the calendar next week, for example, the task pane shows all incomplete
tasks before that date. I don't know how to write that filter though. Can
anyone help?