I need step by step to...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Guille
  • Start date Start date


.... conect mac OS 9.x to new w2000 server
I need to mac can save some files in w2000 folders.
Now mac try to connect to unavailable w2000 server, then
need I to change some configurations in mac????
Im not mac user, i dont know any thing about that.
Thank you in advance and sorry about my english
How can I chek a Network card in MAC?
In MAC, after select user and write my pass , MAC stop or think about 10
minutes. How can i know what is MAC doing?
Sorry for my english
Hello Guille,

You have a Mac OS9.x machine. On this machine select the 'Apple' and scroll
down the list to 'Control Panels'. In there select TCP/IP. The TCP/IP window
will appear.
Enable Connect via: Enable Ethernet and save the setting.
Then select the 'Apple' and scroll down the list to 'Control Panels' and
select AT. In the AT-window enable connect via Ethernet.

On you Windows machine install 'File Service for Macintosh'. Note you need
at least 1 NTFS partition. Check out help how to share files and folders
with SFM.
