I need some help from Jim Buyens

  • Thread starter Thread starter E. T. Culling
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E. T. Culling

I looked and looked and finally found the Authors Extras (FPISO)for
a.. SuperRemoveFormatting removes most formatting codes from the current Web
page open for editing. This is the stylistic equivalent of throwing up your
hands and starting over.Warning: the MainProdName key (or its text) is not set in SETUP.INI...so it
really isn't ready to use.
A friend suggested I try this for rebuilding pages with CSS.
I copied the following install instructions from the cd version of fpiso:
Installing the Sample Files
To run the macros described in this chapter on your own system, you must
import three files from the Companion CD. Here's the procedure:

1.. Start FrontPage.
2.. Start VBE by choosing Macro from the Tools menu, and then Visual Basic
Editor; or by pressing Alt+F11.
3.. Choose Import File from the VBE File menu, or press Ctrl+M.
4.. Select the file modFPISO.bas from the /vba folder on the Companion CD,
and then click Open.
5.. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the clsFPISO.cls file.
6.. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the frmEditHTML.frm file. (When you import
this file, VBE will automatically import the frmEditHTML.frx file as well.
This won't be apparent unless the frmEditHTML.frx file is missing).
Great, Chris... did all that! Now what? How do I put the
SuperRemoveFormatting to work!!!
I think I'm being dense!, Sorry.
Hey!!! You're not Jim Buyens.

Bob Lehamnn

chris leeds said:
I copied the following install instructions from the cd version of fpiso:
Installing the Sample Files
To run the macros described in this chapter on your own system, you must
import three files from the Companion CD. Here's the procedure:

1.. Start FrontPage.
2.. Start VBE by choosing Macro from the Tools menu, and then Visual Basic
Editor; or by pressing Alt+F11.
3.. Choose Import File from the VBE File menu, or press Ctrl+M.
4.. Select the file modFPISO.bas from the /vba folder on the Companion CD,
and then click Open.
5.. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the clsFPISO.cls file.
6.. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the frmEditHTML.frm file. (When you import
this file, VBE will automatically import the frmEditHTML.frx file as well.
This won't be apparent unless the frmEditHTML.frx file is missing).
E. T. Culling said:
I found it. Thanks, Chris ... see your own e-mail.

Sorry, I was off-line yestgerday.

You got this figured out, right?

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out ||
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out ||
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition ||
|| Troubleshooting Microsoft FrontPage 2002 ||
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming ||
|| (All from Microsoft Press) ||
it's a double edged sword. I'm better looking but much stupider ;-) but
hey, it worked for Carlos Leon.