I need some advice, please!

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I'm working with .net framework 1.1 in C# for a windows application

I have 2 classes - A and B.
I have a function in B that is called by many functions in A.
I want to be able to detect in class B the parameters(data type and value)
of the calling function in class A.

Is this possible? If so, can anyone point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance!
Hmmz.. if I read this, you have something like

functionA(string name, int age)

functionA2(real amount, string city)


and you want code in B to access the parameters name and age you got in the
calling function A? (amount and city from calling A2...)

Do not know about accessing the callingstack @ runtime, but that seems to be
a hack and not really object oriënted. What you could do is create a
intermediate class like 'customParameter', which contains a few internal
variables (collections) that are set by functionA and functionA2.

Other approach is create overloaded functions of functionB that (offcourse)
have different signatures. Call a different functionB from all calling
functions. Create a base (generic) functionBBase that is called from the
overloaded functionB's for generic data processing.

Not knowing the exact situation this is all I solutions I can think off just
now. Is it possible to re-design this part aplication? Any more information?

Thanks for the response - the situation you described is exactly what I need
to do. I had thought about the container idea and the overloaded functions
and either solution will work. I was wondering if there was a better way!

And the good news is I haven't written anything for the application yet so
redesign isn't an issue.

Thanks again!
I would say it's a bad idea as it only work with A & B.
what if a class C about which B knows nothing call B?

otherwise look at System.Diagnostic.StackTrace