I need help!!!!



I posted on 12/16 about my computer being possessed and received no response
but accidently I think I have proved myself right. Two days ago while I was
on line I got a pop up saying my task panel had encountered an unknown error
and had to close. It kicked me off line and when I tried to dial back up it
kept telling me the port was already in use. I went into network connections
and there was a new connection I had never seen and it was continously trying
to dial up, I picked up the phone line that my computer is hooked to and I
could still hear it trying to dial like on a speaker. I tried to delete the
connection and it would make a copy of itself. I finally uninstalled my
modem, then I could delete the connection. I ran Stinger and it detected a
W32/SdBot.worm.gen.virus and a W32/SdBot.worm.gen.i.virus it destroyed both
of them. Then just for safe measure I ran Panda online scan and it found a
W32/Gaobot.AKR.worm and destroyed it. After that I ran Spybot, Adaware,
Hijack This and then I did all of them again and everything came back clean.
BUT I know there is still something because I keep getting an event about
changing the system time and when it lists my computer name there is a $ sign
behind it, and when I am not on my computer there is events saying that I
logged on. I contacted Microsoft virus and they said I probably didn't have
another virus if Stinger or Panda was not detecting it but Stinger did not
detect the one that Panda did...My computer is running slower than ever and I
have 2 wuauclt running. 1 of them is listed wuauclt1 in system 32. I tried
to delete the wuauclt, emptied the recycle bin and it came right back to
system 32. How do I get rid of this problem???There are events that when I
click on the link to microsoft it tells me it is a bad address.

Ted Zieglar

Wuauclt.exe is a process managing automatic updates for Windows. This
process continuously checks for the latest updates by going online. This
process should not be removed if you want to get informed about new updates.

If you are unable to completely rid yourself of viruses and spyware, the
only way out is to erase your hard disk and reinstall everything.

Ted Zieglar


I am aware of what Wuauclt is but I know I am not supposed to have 2 of them
running and the one I tried to delete had a creation date of 2014 but I agree
that I probably need to erase my hard drive. How do I know that I won't be
reinstalling the virus in some of my files?

Ted Zieglar

"How do I know that I won't be reinstalling the virus in some of my files?"

All legal copies of Microsoft software - including Windows and Office - are
guaranteed by Microsoft to be free of viruses. Legal installation CDs from
the major software suppliers, such as WordPerfect, Symantec, McAfee, etc.
are guaranteed by the manufacturer to be free of viruses. If your antivirus
software is correctly configured and using up to date virus definitions, it
will protect you against viruses from other sources.

Nonetheless, if you feel that your other software may harbor a virus, scan
the installation media before you try to install. If you feel that one or
more of the files in your backup may have a virus, scan the files before you
restore them.

Ted Zieglar

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