I need help !!!!

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OK, i have a camcorder, older sony. it is a 8mm camcorder. I want to put my
videos on cds using movie maker. what do i need and where do i go to get it.
I am new at this and please type in english since i am just a everyday
computer user. let me know what to ask the store for. I really dont want to
get another cam since this one is working fine. I have heard get dazzle dvc
80 but i want to use movie maker not their software. HELP!!
I use a Dazzle DVC 80 and it works with Movie Maker, to capture from my
older Sony Hi8 analog camcorder.... what you need to do is install the
driver software that comes with it, but you don't need to use the Pinnacle
Studio software if you don't want to.

Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 - www.papajohn.org
Photo Story 2 - www.photostory.papajohn.org
A little more info:

The Analog Video Capture > Dazzle page of my www.papajohn.org website
includes a link to download the USB driver for Windows XP (but it'll be on
the CD with the unit)... and a link to my newsletter #17, which is a
tutorial about using the Dazzle 80 with Movie Maker.


Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 - www.papajohn.org
Photo Story 2 - www.photostory.papajohn.org
new problem, i got dvd express. It works great no problem getting video.
NOW, i got my movie finished in movie maker, and saved it. NOW i am trying to
burn it to a cd and it isn't working. So i tried to use Nero, Roxio, Ulead.
and none of these programs are reconizing the saved project. So now what? one
more time please help!
ok papajohn, still learning this program, i go to your site to try and get
answers but i just dont understand computer language. so alas i am back to
the group to bug you. :0) I am tring to save my movie to movie file. as a
avi- something. it comes up like it is saving it but nothing happens. it
just says saving file as a recordable cd. which i dont understand because i
am trying to save to hard drive. should i let it just keep trying to save and
leave it alone for a while. also i would like to just burn it to the cd but
it keeps saying the cd is not reconizable. insert new cd. which i just open
this package and so i know they are good cd-r. i have about 40 pictures,
about 10 video clips, and 3 songs clipped together. makes about a 8-10 min
movie. thanks for your help again!
Hi again,

My website can be pretty confusing to those trying to learn Movie Maker... I
say that on the main page of the site, and encourage learners to use the
links in the Online and Offline sections to go to online tutorials, to buy a
book, etc.... and then use the site to help you solve a problem.

One problem with starting up is not knowing if an issue is a learning hurdle
or a problem... during that phase, I'd guess you could be very confused.

Start with your goal... which I don't know, but I'll assume you're heading
toward burning a disc that plays on a DVD player/TV.

Save the movie as DV-AVI to your computer... choose My Computer, not
Recordable CD > name and location >
'show more choices' if you don't see the drop down list > Other settings >
use the drop down list to pick DV-AVI.... then use your disc making software
with your movie as the input file... Movie Maker can't do any more of this


Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 - www.papajohn.org
Photo Story 2 - www.photostory.papajohn.org
OK so how long should it take to save to my puter. like i said it seems like
it is going to do it but it shows no progress even after 10 min. should i
just wait and also should i turn off my screen savor so it does stall it?
alright i have had it!! grrr!! I am finished with my movie i have tried
reading your site, making adjustments and nothing i cant save this dang
movie!! Now i have broken it up into 3 movies and still nothing. I have been
working on this for 3 weeks trying to save as a avi file. Please someone what
the heck is going on. i moved my memory on files up to 237 should i make it
higher? please type what i need to do step by step, or list a number i can
call to get help. Why did microsoft make something so hard to use?!?
Ok enhance your calm :-)
You tried to save your movie but it won't save.
You split it into three separate parts but it still won't save.
Two questions for you and then more help will be available.
1. What happens with each separate movie when you try to save?
Do you get an error message or does it just get stuck at a certain
percentage point?
2. What are all the filetypes in your project?
This would include still images, video images, and audio files.
3. Do you know if your HDD is formatted NTFS or FAT32?
To find out: Open "My Computer".
Right click on the drive and select Properties.
In the window that opens there will be a line that reads "File System:
?????" the ????? will be either

If you reply with an answer to these questions more help will be available.

(1)I have gotten the same error message. it says"windows movie maker cannot
save the movie to the specified location. Veryify that the original source
files used in your movie are still available, and there is enough free disk
space available". it usually goes down to about 20 min left and i think it
is like 10% saved. That is with movie in 3s and whole movie. (2) File types
are jpegs(under 200 each pic) most are under 100 i think i have 10 or more
that are like 180. I have some video clips and i am not sure what type they
are. and i have audio which were mp3 but i read papajohns stuff and it was
saying mp3s have been giving people problems so i changed those files to wav.
(3) hdd is NTFS.
I also up my virtal memory to 293 (that is what the computer recommended. i
think it was on like 97. and that has helped it go longer trying to save.
but still get the error messages. Now i just decreased the size of the movie
again to be under 151 mb and it saved. so should i just keep taking bits of
the movie to about that and try to save it like that till the whole movie is
done. I hope you say no cause that will take forever and the songs go with
the movie, so i would have to figure out how to save pieces of the songs
so it will kinda of be impossible in some parts. I really appriciate your
help. my available memory is 9154 mb. should i custom size my paging file
size or should i put system manage size. where the computer decides what to
do. thanks again
I think I know what the problem is now.
It sounds like your project is very large, especially if you were able to
split it into 3 segments.
9154mb = 9gb which is rarely enough space for a project especially one of
this apparent length.
example: a 1 hour video at DV-AVI file 1 hour long is about 13gb and
requires 26gb (2 x the final output) of free space to render. With only 9gb
free the longest (using these numbers) video you could render is about 20
minutes and that doesn't even take into account that a HDD doesn't work very
well when used to it's full capacity. When you lowered the max size of your
final video to 151mb it only required 302mb to render the movie and you had
plenty of space.