When you use the Round Function in a query in Access it does not work the
same as the Round Function in Excel.
When you use this function to round numbers such as 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5 etc.
to the nearest integer it will round the ones with an even number to the left
of the decimal place up and it will roudn the ones with an odd number to the
left of the decimal place down. It works correctly as far as I can see on
any fraction except .5. Someone please tell me that there is no logical
reason for this or please explain the reason for it. I would really
appreciate it. Thank you.
same as the Round Function in Excel.
When you use this function to round numbers such as 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5 etc.
to the nearest integer it will round the ones with an even number to the left
of the decimal place up and it will roudn the ones with an odd number to the
left of the decimal place down. It works correctly as far as I can see on
any fraction except .5. Someone please tell me that there is no logical
reason for this or please explain the reason for it. I would really
appreciate it. Thank you.