I need help with my New System Please!!

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oK so I bought parts to put a new system together.

P5AD2 E Deluxe Board
3.46 Ghz Extreme Processor HT L3 2bm
OCZ 2gb 5400 memory
Antec He 550 watt power suply.
Asus EAX 850 Xtreme video card

This is my problem: When I turn on my computer, all the fans turn on
and the keyboard flashes yet the computer never boots and there is no
video screen. I've been beating my head over and over to find the
problem and the computer has not booted. Whether the mobo is inside the
case or outside, i get no results. I've tried everything from getting
the processor replaced by intel from trying new motherboard, the intel
D975XBX, to a new power supply and new video card. The only thing i
have not replaced is the memory and I'm quite sure it works fine. I've
tried to see if all my parts are compatible and they in fact are. In
the asus motherboard when i turn it on I get a voice message that says
something to the effect that the CPU fails. Well, this is the second
CPU I have and I still get the same message. I don't know what to do
and i'm desperate because I've built well over 10 systems and this is
the first time I encounter this problem. Does anyone have an idea what
the problem(s) might be?? I am totally lost on this one and it's making
me go crazy.

oK so I bought parts to put a new system together.

P5AD2 E Deluxe Board
3.46 Ghz Extreme Processor HT L3 2bm
OCZ 2gb 5400 memory
Antec He 550 watt power suply.
Asus EAX 850 Xtreme video card

This is my problem: When I turn on my computer, all the fans turn on
and the keyboard flashes yet the computer never boots and there is no
video screen. I've been beating my head over and over to find the
problem and the computer has not booted. Whether the mobo is inside the
case or outside, i get no results. I've tried everything from getting
the processor replaced by intel from trying new motherboard, the intel
D975XBX, to a new power supply and new video card. The only thing i
have not replaced is the memory and I'm quite sure it works fine. I've
tried to see if all my parts are compatible and they in fact are. In
the asus motherboard when i turn it on I get a voice message that says
something to the effect that the CPU fails. Well, this is the second
CPU I have and I still get the same message. I don't know what to do
and i'm desperate because I've built well over 10 systems and this is
the first time I encounter this problem. Does anyone have an idea what
the problem(s) might be?? I am totally lost on this one and it's making

You've likely answered the question yourself: ram. Basically, you've
eliminated everything else.
"AL" said:

oK so I bought parts to put a new system together.

P5AD2 E Deluxe Board
3.46 Ghz Extreme Processor HT L3 2bm
OCZ 2gb 5400 memory
Antec He 550 watt power suply.
Asus EAX 850 Xtreme video card

This is my problem: When I turn on my computer, all the fans turn on
and the keyboard flashes yet the computer never boots and there is no
video screen. I've been beating my head over and over to find the
problem and the computer has not booted. Whether the mobo is inside the
case or outside, i get no results. I've tried everything from getting
the processor replaced by intel from trying new motherboard, the intel
D975XBX, to a new power supply and new video card. The only thing i
have not replaced is the memory and I'm quite sure it works fine. I've
tried to see if all my parts are compatible and they in fact are. In
the asus motherboard when i turn it on I get a voice message that says
something to the effect that the CPU fails. Well, this is the second
CPU I have and I still get the same message. I don't know what to do
and i'm desperate because I've built well over 10 systems and this is
the first time I encounter this problem. Does anyone have an idea what
the problem(s) might be?? I am totally lost on this one and it's making
me go crazy.

Use the Vocal POST feature.

Connect the green audio connector to your computer speakers.

1) With nothing plugged into the motherboard,
you should hear "No CPU Installed"

2) With a processor installed, the ATX12V 2x2 power connected,
as well as main power, you will either hear "System Failed
CPU test" or "System Failed Memory Test". If the former
message is heard, and you know the motherboard and PSU are good,
then the CPU could be bad. If you get the latter error
message, then you know the CPU works a bit, and can move on
to the next test.

3) Install one stick of memory. When you power up, you'll
hear "System Failed Memory Test", or you'll hear "System Failed
VGA Test". Like in the previous example, the first message
means the memory failed, while the second message means you
can now try your video card.

By methodically adding one component at a time, you'll get some
idea of which component or components is bad. The install order
I would use is: CPU, memory, video, keyboard/mouse. At that
point, the BIOS should appear on screen. Then you can add the
rest of the stuff, one item at a time, while observing what works
or doesn't work. Be patient with the Vocal POST, as some messages
arrive about 30 seconds after power is applied.

AL said:

oK so I bought parts to put a new system together.

P5AD2 E Deluxe Board
3.46 Ghz Extreme Processor HT L3 2bm
OCZ 2gb 5400 memory
Antec He 550 watt power suply.
Asus EAX 850 Xtreme video card

This is my problem: When I turn on my computer, all the fans turn on
and the keyboard flashes yet the computer never boots and there is no
video screen. I've been beating my head over and over to find the
problem and the computer has not booted. Whether the mobo is inside the
case or outside, i get no results. I've tried everything from getting
the processor replaced by intel from trying new motherboard, the intel
D975XBX, to a new power supply and new video card. The only thing i
have not replaced is the memory and I'm quite sure it works fine. I've
tried to see if all my parts are compatible and they in fact are. In
the asus motherboard when i turn it on I get a voice message that says
something to the effect that the CPU fails. Well, this is the second
CPU I have and I still get the same message. I don't know what to do
and i'm desperate because I've built well over 10 systems and this is
the first time I encounter this problem. Does anyone have an idea what
the problem(s) might be?? I am totally lost on this one and it's making
me go crazy.

I took as look at the P5AD2. What do you have plugged into the square white
"ATX12V1" 4-pin connection on the mainboard? It is just behind the purple
Parallel Port. Describe the color of the 4 wires too please.
I have connected a 2x2 connector that has a green cable. The connection
whic splits off from a 2x4 reads. "use this connection for a single CPU
system". By the way, the Intel mobo that I have supports the full 2x4
connection but the manual reads not to use the 2x4 for intel extreme
because the system will be unstable, yet when I call intel, they say to
use the 8 pin plug instead. I have no idea what to do anymore. I mean
I've tried two power supplies, two CPUs The same type) two
motherboards, two diff brands of ram, two different video cards, two
different fans. What's left for me to do? Please help if you can. I
appreciate it much
AL said:
I have connected a 2x2 connector that has a green cable. The connection
whic splits off from a 2x4 reads. "use this connection for a single CPU
system". By the way, the Intel mobo that I have supports the full 2x4
connection but the manual reads not to use the 2x4 for intel extreme
because the system will be unstable, yet when I call intel, they say to
use the 8 pin plug instead. I have no idea what to do anymore. I mean
I've tried two power supplies, two CPUs The same type) two
motherboards, two diff brands of ram, two different video cards, two
different fans. What's left for me to do? Please help if you can. I
appreciate it much
As far as I know, and not being familiar with your mainboard(s) or power
supply, the P4EE requires a separate 12v connection to run. Your symptoms
are very common when that 12v connection is not made, or is defective.
That's why I'm focusing on that.
Normally, that connection is made with a 24 pin main connector on newer
mainboards, or, with a 20 pin main connector mainboard it is made with a
2x2 - 4 pin connector that plugs in next to the processor. That 2x2 - 4 pin
connector has two yellow and two black wires coming out of it. I looked at a
photo of your mainboard and saw that 2x2 connector on the board, next to the
processor, behind the purple parallel port, is the same 2x2 connector I have
on my Asus 20-pin main board.
What I would do (and what do you have to lose at this point?) is find that
2x2 connector with yellow and black wires and plug it into the ATX12v-2
connector on the board. You could pay special attention to the configuration
on the plastic leads on the plug and socket. There is a pattern there of
square and cut-corner boxes that should match the correct male connector.
Again, the newest mainboard I have here is a 875PE class. I know the new
dual core processors have new power supply specs, but I have not worked with
one. I'm guessing the 2x4 - 8 pin connector is for those processors. So I
have no idea what you are supposed to do with that connection, but I can't
imagine you are supposed to use it on a board without that specific 8-pin
socket. I *think* the P4EE still uses that standard 12v connection. And I
*think* the new ATX2 power supplies still have the old 2x2 plug on them.
"AL" said:
I have connected a 2x2 connector that has a green cable. The connection
whic splits off from a 2x4 reads. "use this connection for a single CPU
system". By the way, the Intel mobo that I have supports the full 2x4
connection but the manual reads not to use the 2x4 for intel extreme
because the system will be unstable, yet when I call intel, they say to
use the 8 pin plug instead. I have no idea what to do anymore. I mean
I've tried two power supplies, two CPUs The same type) two
motherboards, two diff brands of ram, two different video cards, two
different fans. What's left for me to do? Please help if you can. I
appreciate it much

I would start by using one motherboard at a time here. There are
a ton of details to go into, and having to address the issues for
both motherboards at the same time, is a bit much.

P5AD2-E Deluxe supported CPUs - I'm assuming this is your proc...
"P4-3.46 GHz Extreme Ed. (1066 FSB, HT, revM0, LGA775)"

http://support.asus.com.tw/cpusuppo...1&name=P5AD2-E Deluxe&SLanguage=en-us&cache=1

The Intel D975XBX BadAxe motherboard supported CPU list does
not seem to be very comprehensive. After all, even a Celeron D
should run in there, if they put their minds to it. I don't
think I am seeing your processor listed here! This list is
for 90nm and 65nm processors, and no mention of 0.13u LGA775.


It would really help if you posted your SLxxx number or
order code for the processor (look on the box). At
least to double check what processor this is.

The reason I'm interested in a Celeron D, is if you cannot
borrow a processor to test your motherboards, a Cel D would
have made a dandy test processor. Newegg has a Cel D 326
you could use on the Asus motherboard, and it is $66 apiece.
Purchasing a test processor for the BadAxe, based on the Intel
list, would be cost prohibitive.

"Intel Celeron D 326 Prescott 533MHz FSB 256KB L2 Cache LGA 775"

There have been the odd problem with Antec Neo HE. I would use
whatever other power supply you have in the interim, just in
case this is HE related.


The P5AD2-E Deluxe should be pretty straight forward. It has
a 24 pin power connector. Some supplies have a 20 pin section
and a 4 pin removable section. The 4 pin section has an extra
3.3V, 5V, 12V, and GND. The four wires will all be different
colors, so that should help you identify the four wire section.
The two parts clip together and insert into your 24 pin connector.

The P5AD2-E Deluxe has an ATX12V 2x2 connector. The pinout
would look like this, and if you had a 2x4 connector on a
supply, that split into two sections, one section could
provide this power.

GND 12V2
GND 12V2

The Intel BadAxe has a peculiar scheme. The manual claims
the 2x4 power connector is dual power 12V1/12V2, which
is the kind of thing you would profitably use on a dual
processor server board.


The Intel connector would look like this:

GND 12V1
GND 12V1
GND 12V2
GND 12V2

The Intel motherboard looks like it has five phase power. I'm
just guessing here, but perhaps three phases run off one
circuit and two phases off the other ? I don't see a simple
way of combining 12V1 and 12V2 to power one processor, unless
the phases have been split into groups of some sort. If it
is split by phases somehow, if a user really wanted to use
a 2x2 power connector, I would want to make sure it goes
into the right holes. Molex family connectors are keyed by
their nylon connector shell shapes, so that should restrict
somewhat, what goes where. Since your NeoHE has the 12V1/12V2
style 2x4 connector, it should work fine. If there was going
to be an instability issue, I'd have expected it with a 2x2
connector and not a 2x4 as above.

The two pins on an ATX 12V 2x2 connector are good for 6 amps
apiece, or 12 amps total. At 12V, that is a total of 144W
input power. The Vcore converter wastes some power as heat,
leaving perhaps 129.6W for the processor TDP. I assume 90%
conversion efficiency when I do these calcs.

This Intel P4EE 3.46Ghz/FSB1066/2MB L2 0.13u rev M0 processor
has a TDP of 110 watts. Purely from the ATX12V connector
perspective, a 2x2 ATX12V connector should handle the current
OK. The issue would be exactly how the Intel Vcore circuit is
designed, and which phases run with only one 2x2 connector (if
you chose to do that with your other supply). In other
words, the ATX 12V 2x2 connector might not melt, but
maybe the Intel Vcore doesn't get Power_Good when running
from just one rail and not two. Since the Intel design is
unusual, I'll leave it to Intel Tech support to advise
you as to exactly what the hell they did.


The issue with posting could be the BIOS revision. I suppose
there are situations where it wouldn't beep the computer
speaker, if the BIOS cannot figure out the processor type.
Since the Intel BadAxe has such a short supported processor list,
I don't see an easy thing for you to buy as a second test
vehicle. If you do decide to buy a second (cheap) processor,
work with the two supported CPU lists, and try to pick something
which is on both lists. At least, if you want to continue
to experiment with both motherboards.

The Asus board appears to support your 3.46Ghz M0 out of the
box, so that should have worked. I would try P5AD2-E, your
3.46Ghz processor, and a supply other than the Antec NeoHE,
and see what happens. Even with no memory in the board, it
should give you the memory error beep pattern on the computer
case built-in speaker. If the computer speaker beeps, it
means the CPU is alive :-)

I appreciate your advice. Every piece of information is valuable and i
feel takes me closer to finding a solution. My processor's product code
is SSL7NF. I'm gonna try a few things with both my antec he and my
thermaltake purepower PS. Please let me know if you come up with any
other ideas, suggestions, etc.
AL said:
I appreciate your advice. Every piece of information is valuable and i
feel takes me closer to finding a solution. My processor's product code
is SSL7NF. I'm gonna try a few things with both my antec he and my
thermaltake purepower PS. Please let me know if you come up with any
other ideas, suggestions, etc.
Al, did you try the process Paul posted on 3/25? What he suggests is the
best method of troubleshooting your problem.
What happened when you hooked up the Asus board to the PS with nothing
installed on the board? What was the vocal post message?