Sorry, i didn't know that i wasn't allowed to use attachments, this is my first time posting in a newsgroup, so i will try this again. First, here is the requirements:
CLIENTS Name Last name, first name, middle initial
Address Street, city, postal code
Phone numbers Home, work, cell including area code
Fax number Fax # including area code
Email Email
Date of birth Date of birth and age
Gender male or female
Occupation job
Marital status married or single
children yes or no and what ages
Reason for consult check off all of the following that apply:
High cholesterol/triglycerides
High blood pressure
Weight loss
Weight gain
Sports nutrition
General healthy eating
Disordered eating
**** please put empty boxes where I can add additional categories if needed
Family Doctor Doctors name
Doctors street, city, postal code
Doctors phone # including area code
Insurance coverage Check yes or no or unsure
Insurance Company name
Insurance coverage details (empty box I can write in details)
Referral source check off all of the following that apply:
Doctor - have sublists of doctors: Dr. Joe Blow, Dr Bob Simpson etc (please leave me space to add)
Chiropractor (please leave me space to add): eg. Dr. John Micheals
Therapist (please leave me space to add): eg. Lois Smith
Personal Trainer - have sublists (please leave me space to add)
Company Website
Past client referred
**** please put empty boxes where I can add additional categories if needed
Track interactions Date and time of interaction
Type of contact (phone, email, appointment)
Details (leave space here for me to write in details)
Next action (leave space here for me to write in details)
Date for next action and description - can you work this into a calender on my palm pilot or in microsoft outlook?
Other Space to write in anything else
DOCTORS/HEALTH PROFESSIONALS Name Last name, first name, middle initial, Dr.
Address clinic name, street, city, postal code
Phone numbers work phone number, alternate phone number including area code
Fax number fax number including area code
Email email
Gender male or female
Specialty check off all of the following that apply:
GP (general practicioner)
Personal Trainer
**** please put empty boxes where I can add additonal categories if needed
Clients referred can the client referred (first name, last name, middle initial) automatically be added to this database when referral source is added in the above client database? (see red above)
Track interactions Date and time of interaction
Type of contact (phone, email, appointment)
Details of contact (leave space here for me to write in details)
Next action (leave space here for me to write in details)
Date for next action and description - can you work this into a calender on my palm pilot or in microsoft outlook?
Other Space to write in anything else
BUSINESS CONTACTS Name Last name, first name, middle initial
Address street, city, postal code
Phone numbers work, cell, home phone number including area code
Fax number fax number including area code
Email email
Website website
Gender male or female
Description how I know them, what they do
Track interactions Date and time fo interaction
Type of contact (phone, email, appiintment)
Details of contact (leave space here for me to write in details)
Next action (leave space here for me to write in details)
Date for next action and description - can you work this into a calender on my palm pilot or in microsoft outlook?
Other Space to write in anything else
Database should have capability to have a report on any of the above variables. For example track… addresses which can be used to make labels/letters; to send emails to a clump of people; to pull of lists of people seen for specific reasons eg. High choletsterol; and more!
Hi, i am having some trouble decided how to design this database. So far this is
what i have come with:
-PersonId (PK)
-PersonRoleAddressID (autonumber pk)
-PersonId (unique idx fld1) (FK - tblPerson)
-PersonTypeId (unique idx fld2) (FK - tblPersonType)
tblPersonType (going to be a lookup)
-PersonTypeId (PK)
-PersonType (determine whether they are a customer, doctor, business)
-PersonRoleAddressID (pk) (fk -tblPersonRoleAddress)
-PersonRoleAddressID (pk) (fk -tblPersonRoleAddress)
-PersonRoleAddressID (pk fld1) (fk -tblPersonRoleAddress)
-ClinicID (pk fld2) (FK - tblClinicDetail)
I'm not to sure if this is correct so far, if anyone has a better suggestion on how to go about this, let me know. I was thinking of using a switchboard with 3 different types
of contacts to enter into the database with fields unique to the type of role. Plus i have a multi select listbox that i have to do and don't know where to link that.
If anyone can help, i would really appreciate it. Or even email me. Thanks in advance
CLIENTS Name Last name, first name, middle initial
Address Street, city, postal code
Phone numbers Home, work, cell including area code
Fax number Fax # including area code
Email Email
Date of birth Date of birth and age
Gender male or female
Occupation job
Marital status married or single
children yes or no and what ages
Reason for consult check off all of the following that apply:
High cholesterol/triglycerides
High blood pressure
Weight loss
Weight gain
Sports nutrition
General healthy eating
Disordered eating
**** please put empty boxes where I can add additional categories if needed
Family Doctor Doctors name
Doctors street, city, postal code
Doctors phone # including area code
Insurance coverage Check yes or no or unsure
Insurance Company name
Insurance coverage details (empty box I can write in details)
Referral source check off all of the following that apply:
Doctor - have sublists of doctors: Dr. Joe Blow, Dr Bob Simpson etc (please leave me space to add)
Chiropractor (please leave me space to add): eg. Dr. John Micheals
Therapist (please leave me space to add): eg. Lois Smith
Personal Trainer - have sublists (please leave me space to add)
Company Website
Past client referred
**** please put empty boxes where I can add additional categories if needed
Track interactions Date and time of interaction
Type of contact (phone, email, appointment)
Details (leave space here for me to write in details)
Next action (leave space here for me to write in details)
Date for next action and description - can you work this into a calender on my palm pilot or in microsoft outlook?
Other Space to write in anything else
DOCTORS/HEALTH PROFESSIONALS Name Last name, first name, middle initial, Dr.
Address clinic name, street, city, postal code
Phone numbers work phone number, alternate phone number including area code
Fax number fax number including area code
Email email
Gender male or female
Specialty check off all of the following that apply:
GP (general practicioner)
Personal Trainer
**** please put empty boxes where I can add additonal categories if needed
Clients referred can the client referred (first name, last name, middle initial) automatically be added to this database when referral source is added in the above client database? (see red above)
Track interactions Date and time of interaction
Type of contact (phone, email, appointment)
Details of contact (leave space here for me to write in details)
Next action (leave space here for me to write in details)
Date for next action and description - can you work this into a calender on my palm pilot or in microsoft outlook?
Other Space to write in anything else
BUSINESS CONTACTS Name Last name, first name, middle initial
Address street, city, postal code
Phone numbers work, cell, home phone number including area code
Fax number fax number including area code
Email email
Website website
Gender male or female
Description how I know them, what they do
Track interactions Date and time fo interaction
Type of contact (phone, email, appiintment)
Details of contact (leave space here for me to write in details)
Next action (leave space here for me to write in details)
Date for next action and description - can you work this into a calender on my palm pilot or in microsoft outlook?
Other Space to write in anything else
Database should have capability to have a report on any of the above variables. For example track… addresses which can be used to make labels/letters; to send emails to a clump of people; to pull of lists of people seen for specific reasons eg. High choletsterol; and more!
Hi, i am having some trouble decided how to design this database. So far this is
what i have come with:
-PersonId (PK)
-PersonRoleAddressID (autonumber pk)
-PersonId (unique idx fld1) (FK - tblPerson)
-PersonTypeId (unique idx fld2) (FK - tblPersonType)
tblPersonType (going to be a lookup)
-PersonTypeId (PK)
-PersonType (determine whether they are a customer, doctor, business)
-PersonRoleAddressID (pk) (fk -tblPersonRoleAddress)
-PersonRoleAddressID (pk) (fk -tblPersonRoleAddress)
-PersonRoleAddressID (pk fld1) (fk -tblPersonRoleAddress)
-ClinicID (pk fld2) (FK - tblClinicDetail)
I'm not to sure if this is correct so far, if anyone has a better suggestion on how to go about this, let me know. I was thinking of using a switchboard with 3 different types
of contacts to enter into the database with fields unique to the type of role. Plus i have a multi select listbox that i have to do and don't know where to link that.
If anyone can help, i would really appreciate it. Or even email me. Thanks in advance