I need help Dual Booting into WINXP and VISTA with Microsoft Dual



I have no idea how this happened, but my Microsoft Dual Boot system became
corrupted by some missing file or some such. I did what it told me to by
inserting the vista disk after reboot and selecting the repair recovery tool.
Followed those instructions and did what it told me too. And now I cant boot
into Windows XP. Can anybody please OMG save me? I did a little Googling and
found that I have to edit the autoexec.ini boot file or whatever to amend it
with adding an option to boot into XP and VISTA. How do I go about doing
that? My main partition is Primary NTFS - WinXP Home, My second dos partition
is NTFS - VISTA. So how do I go about adding and editing this file? Can
anyone instruct me? please?


I am not familar with Vista but with windowsxp,
the line you need to add is something like this
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Home"

The above line assume your original xp is in the first drive, partition 1

you may have to make adjustment for some parameters but is a good start to

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