I need an answer!!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Walter
  • Start date Start date


I've posted three different times and have no real
answers!!! Can someone give me a frickin answer to my

Microsoft said I should download some updates for my
computer and they all came in one package from the
website. It took a long time for the whole thing to be
downloaded to my computer and now that they are
installed, my computer lags, I hear sounds only after the
fact, and my speakers which worked fine before
these "crucial" elements were downloaded now crackle all
the time.

If whoever reads this doesn't have an answer, refer it to
someone who does. I'm getting sick of this and I'm not
about to do a system restore like was suggested by
another person here. GIVE ME SOME REAL HELP!! These
damn downloads came from YOUR company... give me some
help here!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Walter, this is a PUBLIC newsgroup. It's nice when MS techs pop in, but
this is part of Usenet and was designed for peer-to-peer support and is NOT
an official support channel of Microsoft.

That said, you won't get volunteers to assist you by yelling at them.

Randall Arnold
Sorry u r having so much trouble. First off the System
Restore feature was built into XP for this very reason.
Its recommended before installing any new
software/hardware to "Create a Restore Point" XP uses HD
space for this purpose. Then when things like this happen
you do a restore and see if that takes care of it.
Secondly I'd check to make sure all the "drivers"
installed are current. Also go to the device manager and
check for any conflicts. Right click on My
Computer/properties/hardwareTAB/Device Manager. Look for
any ? Marks or !!! Points. They will be yellow. If any of
them are that will let you know which "device" is causing
you trouble.
If you're PC is new or OS you should have two free tech
support calls to MS, USE THEM.
Thats all I have for now,
Hang in the man,