I need a strategy for moving files to new pc




Hey, can someone recommend a strategy for getting files, software, etc, off
my old PC onto my new PC? I'm sure there's a best way and I'm certain that
without advice, I'll do it absolutely wrong.

I have all my old software programs. I'm certain I can download drivers for
my scanners, printers, and cameras. I do want to get my old e-mail settings
(Outlook) copied over. My biggest concerns are; how do I maintain maximum
performance on the new setup. On my old computer, I had all the system
files on my C drive and most of my working files on my D drive. Is there
any reason to partition the 250 gig hard drive on the new computer? Should I
do anything with the system paging file. Photoshop uses my hard disks for
scratch disks. Any suggestions here? Any other thoughts; warnings?

In advance, thanks for your help!!


A couple background details:
I'm a Graphic designer. I work mostly in layout, web and Photoshop. I
do any 3d stuff.

My setup:
Old PC is a Dell Pentium 2, 733 Mhz, 2x20 Gig hard drives, 512 Megs, Windows
New is HP with Athalon 64 (4200), 250 Gig HD, 1024 DDR ram, Windows XPsp2


Hi to you too.

.........can someone recommend a strategy for getting files, software,
etc, off my old PC onto my new PC?

One of the easier ways would be to put your new hard drive into your old
computer as a slave drive. You would then be able to copy your things
from your old to your new drag and drop easy while in file explorer.

Partitioning your drive is mostly a matter of personal preference. A lot
of folks like to keep the Windoze necessities on the C drive and their
own stuff on other partitions. I prefer three partitions, Windows junk,
programs, and my stuff.

.........Any other thoughts; warnings?

You have a good backup strategy? I use two hard drives. Get yourself a
disk cloning program like Partition Magic off ebay for less than $20 and
do at least a weekly clone of what you don't want to loose, preferably
your whole drive.


Jim Self
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