'fuzzy' wrote, in part:
| As I wrote in the first post:
| "I scanned my PC with Spyware doctor free licence" (scanning only).
| If you want to remove them you have to pay. I don't want.
| If I should pay each single AV, just because one sees a virus, one
| sees another... how much I'd to spend?
Almost certainly what you have is a scam; rogue anti-malware.
Did you deliberately install this 'Spyware doctor'? If so, why?
Was it recommended?
Did you check reviews?
Don't you think it a bit suspicious that the ONLY scan that detects these
'trojan' files also requests you pay for removal?
Have you checked the actual name at
http://spywarewarrior.com/rogue_anti-spyware.htm ?
Have you submitted the 'infected' files to anti-virus companies?
Phil Weldon
| On 20 Mar, 21:48, "David H. Lipman" <
[email protected]>
| wrote:
| > From: "fuzzy" <
[email protected]>
| >
| > |
| > | because I have CA antivirus installed on my pc, I've tried kasperky
| > | and mcafee online scanning, without any results. I haven't tried
| > | sophos, instead...
| > |
| > | fuzzy
| >
| > Then I must ask...
| >
| > How do you know that you have "...two trojan AGENT.XJ e GROMP" infected
files ?
| As I wrote in the first post:
| "I scanned my PC with Spyware doctor free licence" (scanning only).
| If you want to remove them you have to pay. I don't want.
| If I should pay each single AV, just because one sees a virus, one
| sees another... how much I'd to spend?
| I don't even know whether it is a trick from sw productor to sell more
| software...
| We say: thinking bad is not good, but often you hit the target
| (well this is my terrible personal translation of italian way of
| saying...)
| > BTW: The reason I include 4 different AV scanners from 4 different
vendors is because one
| > may catch what another may miss.
| I just have to try sophos, that I downloaded from the site. It' free
| trial for 30 days. I'll let you know results.
| I think AGENT.XJ to be a rootkit maleware
| > Dave
| sus
| fuzzy