I must be BLIND! please help

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I am looking for the access sql reference area of the microsoft access 2002
help system? I can't find it anywhere? I need thorough info on syntax and
usage of access sql... I have really only done simple queries so far but
some of my current tasks will require more complex queries.. in particular I
think I may need to use sub queries. I prefer writing the sql myself
directly in sql view.

How do you get to that help area? any other good reference sites that anyone

Help, Contents tab, expand the first level, and near the bottom is
'Microsoft Jet SQL Reference'.

Another alternative is to search for and open the file 'JETSQL40.CHM'
I understand your frustration. I have found it much easier to use the
Contents pane of the Help System to navigate the SQL stuff rather than
trying to get the Answer Wizard or Index features to get me there. Within
the Contents pane, SQL commands will appear under "Microsoft Jet SQL
Reference", but that doesn't always appear as an option (especially when
Help is opened from the VBE as oppossed to being opened from the Access user
interface). I can usually force it to appear from within VBE if I close
help, highlight an Access- specific object/method in code and then hit F1.

I hope this helps,
Thank you!

George Nicholson said:
I understand your frustration. I have found it much easier to use the
Contents pane of the Help System to navigate the SQL stuff rather than
trying to get the Answer Wizard or Index features to get me there. Within
the Contents pane, SQL commands will appear under "Microsoft Jet SQL
Reference", but that doesn't always appear as an option (especially when
Help is opened from the VBE as oppossed to being opened from the Access user
interface). I can usually force it to appear from within VBE if I close
help, highlight an Access- specific object/method in code and then hit F1.

I hope this helps,
George Nicholson

Remove 'Junk' from return address.

Thank You!

Joan Wild said:
Help, Contents tab, expand the first level, and near the bottom is
'Microsoft Jet SQL Reference'.

Another alternative is to search for and open the file 'JETSQL40.CHM'

Joan Wild
Microsoft Access MVP
