using access 2003
I've small table that has multiple rows and columns.
I've created a form which has several comboboxes with their control source
based on a column in the table. the user selects options from the comboboxes
and then clicks the 'product search' button. When this button is pressed, a
SQL query is built based on the values in the boxes. Next, the sql query is
run and the results are placed into a listbox (this may be where I'm doing
something wrong) by setting the listbox rowsource to the sql query ordered
by a few of the more important columns _but not all of them_.
Finally - and this is the part I just cannot figure out - I want the user to
be able to double click on an item in the listbox and have all of the columns
associated with that record (which are not all displayed in the listbox) pop
up in a message box. Could someone please tell me how to do this. Does it
have something to do with bookmarks? I've also tried using a recordset, but
I'm obviously doing something wrong there too...
thanks in advance
I've posted the code associated with the "product search" button below:
Private Sub Product_search_Click()
'On Error GoTo Err_Product_search_Click
Dim db As Database
Dim qdf As QueryDef
Dim strSQL, strSQLname, strSQLselectFrom, strSQLWhere
Dim firstSQLwhere As Boolean
' this if condition requires that at least one combobox has a valid entry
If IsNull(cbBrand.Value) And IsNull(cbPhase.Value) And
IsNull(cbLocation.Value) Then
' the following two lines clear out the listbox (I'm not sure it's
the best way to do it, but it works)
lbqrySearch.RowSourceType = "Value List"
lbqrySearch.RowSource = ""
MsgBox "You must select criteria for the search from the drop down
boxes.", vbExclamation, "ATTENTION"
Exit Sub
End If
Set db = CurrentDb
strSQLname = "qrySearch"
Set qdf = db.QueryDefs(strSQLname)
strSQLselectFrom = "SELECT [myTable].* FROM [myTable] "
strSQLWhere = "WHERE "
firstSQLwhere = True
' this multi-nested 'for loop' builds the SQL statement. To add another
search criteria, all the user has to do is add another
' combobox to the form and make sure that the row source is based off a
column in the table
Dim ctrl As Control
For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
If ctrl.ControlType = acComboBox Then
If Not IsNull(ctrl.Value) Then
If strSQLWhere = "WHERE " Then
strSQLWhere = strSQLWhere & Mid(ctrl.RowSource,
InStr(ctrl.RowSource, "DISTINCT") + Len("DISTINCT"), InStr(ctrl.RowSource,
"FROM") - InStr(ctrl.RowSource, "DISTINCT") - Len("DISTINCT")) & " = Forms!"
& Me.Name & "!" & ctrl.Name
strSQLWhere = strSQLWhere & " AND " &
Mid(ctrl.RowSource, InStr(ctrl.RowSource, "DISTINCT") + Len("DISTINCT"),
InStr(ctrl.RowSource, "FROM") - InStr(ctrl.RowSource, "DISTINCT") -
Len("DISTINCT")) & " = Forms!" & Me.Name & "!" & ctrl.Name
End If
End If
End If
Next ctrl
strSQL = strSQLselectFrom & strSQLWhere & ";" ' create the SQL query
qdf.SQL = strSQL
'still not totally sure how to list all the controls in the form
Forms!Analytical!lbqrySearch.RowSourceType = "Table/Query"
lbqrySearch.RowSource = "SELECT qrySearch.Location, qrySearch.Brand,
qrySearch.[Part Name], qrySearch.[Stationary Phase] FROM qrySearch ORDER BY
[Brand], [Location], [Part Name], [Stationary Phase];"
Set qdf = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Next 'Exit_Product_search_Click
End Sub
I've small table that has multiple rows and columns.
I've created a form which has several comboboxes with their control source
based on a column in the table. the user selects options from the comboboxes
and then clicks the 'product search' button. When this button is pressed, a
SQL query is built based on the values in the boxes. Next, the sql query is
run and the results are placed into a listbox (this may be where I'm doing
something wrong) by setting the listbox rowsource to the sql query ordered
by a few of the more important columns _but not all of them_.
Finally - and this is the part I just cannot figure out - I want the user to
be able to double click on an item in the listbox and have all of the columns
associated with that record (which are not all displayed in the listbox) pop
up in a message box. Could someone please tell me how to do this. Does it
have something to do with bookmarks? I've also tried using a recordset, but
I'm obviously doing something wrong there too...
thanks in advance
I've posted the code associated with the "product search" button below:
Private Sub Product_search_Click()
'On Error GoTo Err_Product_search_Click
Dim db As Database
Dim qdf As QueryDef
Dim strSQL, strSQLname, strSQLselectFrom, strSQLWhere
Dim firstSQLwhere As Boolean
' this if condition requires that at least one combobox has a valid entry
If IsNull(cbBrand.Value) And IsNull(cbPhase.Value) And
IsNull(cbLocation.Value) Then
' the following two lines clear out the listbox (I'm not sure it's
the best way to do it, but it works)
lbqrySearch.RowSourceType = "Value List"
lbqrySearch.RowSource = ""
MsgBox "You must select criteria for the search from the drop down
boxes.", vbExclamation, "ATTENTION"
Exit Sub
End If
Set db = CurrentDb
strSQLname = "qrySearch"
Set qdf = db.QueryDefs(strSQLname)
strSQLselectFrom = "SELECT [myTable].* FROM [myTable] "
strSQLWhere = "WHERE "
firstSQLwhere = True
' this multi-nested 'for loop' builds the SQL statement. To add another
search criteria, all the user has to do is add another
' combobox to the form and make sure that the row source is based off a
column in the table
Dim ctrl As Control
For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
If ctrl.ControlType = acComboBox Then
If Not IsNull(ctrl.Value) Then
If strSQLWhere = "WHERE " Then
strSQLWhere = strSQLWhere & Mid(ctrl.RowSource,
InStr(ctrl.RowSource, "DISTINCT") + Len("DISTINCT"), InStr(ctrl.RowSource,
"FROM") - InStr(ctrl.RowSource, "DISTINCT") - Len("DISTINCT")) & " = Forms!"
& Me.Name & "!" & ctrl.Name
strSQLWhere = strSQLWhere & " AND " &
Mid(ctrl.RowSource, InStr(ctrl.RowSource, "DISTINCT") + Len("DISTINCT"),
InStr(ctrl.RowSource, "FROM") - InStr(ctrl.RowSource, "DISTINCT") -
Len("DISTINCT")) & " = Forms!" & Me.Name & "!" & ctrl.Name
End If
End If
End If
Next ctrl
strSQL = strSQLselectFrom & strSQLWhere & ";" ' create the SQL query
qdf.SQL = strSQL
'still not totally sure how to list all the controls in the form
Forms!Analytical!lbqrySearch.RowSourceType = "Table/Query"
lbqrySearch.RowSource = "SELECT qrySearch.Location, qrySearch.Brand,
qrySearch.[Part Name], qrySearch.[Stationary Phase] FROM qrySearch ORDER BY
[Brand], [Location], [Part Name], [Stationary Phase];"
Set qdf = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Next 'Exit_Product_search_Click
End Sub