I m not very Smart

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My name is Peter,

I tried to learn , to be a programmer..... but unfortunately, ..... soon
..... i realized i just dont have what it takes,
i bought some books being very optimistic about my future career and i was
hoping i could do it and i tried, i really did ,
I started to read my first book , and it went pretty smoothly actually at
the beginning but soon as i was beginning to dive into deeper stuff and hard
techniques i felt i was loosing control and it felt bed.... i felt like i
wasnt really into it 100% like i couldnt fully understand what tutor wanted
to say, but anyway i still wanna try, i marked those pages....that i didnt
understand very well in hope i could clarify them one day and see the better

The problem is i have a problem and i need to beg for advice coz hardly did
i receive any help from people without begging or on any other way
compensating lack of what they wanted you to give em in order to actually
help you ,
What i ask you people for i for advice....

How can i clarify those pages? Coz i still wanna dream and be a

Tank you.
Keep trying, nothing worth doing is usually easy at the onset it. And in
programming, determination can you everywhere.

There are many resources out there, including these newsgroups with people
who have been there before, remember what it's like and are willing to help
other folks.

I'm assuming that you are interested in C# since that's where your post
is...so if you let me know what specifically you are having trouble with,
I'll do what I can to help you.

Keep trying, nothing worth doing is usually easy at the onset it. And in
programming, determination can you everywhere.

There are many resources out there, including these newsgroups with people
who have been there before, remember what it's like and are willing to help
other folks.

I'm assuming that you are interested in C# since that's where your post
is...so if you let me know what specifically you are having trouble with,
I'll do what I can to help you.


Hi Bill,

I am also learning C# and would like some help.

I dont have a problem with programming as such it is the terms used. I
am dyslexic and i always find that tutorials, etc never go into enough
detail when explaining what a Class, etc is.

A good example is is a tutorial I was reading today. It is here...
if you go down to the "Example 2" bit the 2 bits of code (Apple.cs and
Example2.cs) made no sense to be to begin with. I was trying to work
out how they could store 3 values in 1 variable until a friend who
knows C++ explained about the varible being private. Also i still dont
really understand why he has put this.variety does "this. " do
soemthing to the varible? If so what ?

Do you know of anything that will help me? A book or cheat sheet or
something .

Sorry to go on i just really want to understand but cant and it is
frustrating :(
I looked over the example and I'm not seeing the three values thing. What's
happening in that snippet is that there are three 'Apples' begin created.
They are three different Apples. What may be confusing you is that each
time you see an object type in front of a name, that's it's type...

Apple bill = new Apple();
Apple joe = new Apple();

That, in your example, would create two totall different apples, not store
bill and joe in one apple.

As far as the this operator goes, it's a way to internally reference your
class. When you type 'this' then the IDE knows that you are referencing this
specific instance and intellisense kicks in (although that's not it's main
purpose) which helps you out in writing your code. Another benefit that is
has is to make code much more clear. Depending on your class, you might
have multiple object with the same method or property names. Referencing it
with this. makes it clear what you are trying to do. That could would
compile though without the 'this'.

If you need any help though, let me know. I'll do what I can. C# is really
cool, and although it may be a little frustrating at first, you'll come to
love it quickly.


I looked over the example and I'm not seeing the three values thing. What's
happening in that snippet is that there are three 'Apples' begin created.
They are three different Apples. What may be confusing you is that each
time you see an object type in front of a name, that's it's type...

Apple bill = new Apple();
Apple joe = new Apple();

That, in your example, would create two totall different apples, not store
bill and joe in one apple.

As far as the this operator goes, it's a way to internally reference your
class. When you type 'this' then the IDE knows that you are referencing this
specific instance and intellisense kicks in (although that's not it's main
purpose) which helps you out in writing your code. Another benefit that is
has is to make code much more clear. Depending on your class, you might
have multiple object with the same method or property names. Referencing it
with this. makes it clear what you are trying to do. That could would
compile though without the 'this'.

If you need any help though, let me know. I'll do what I can. C# is really
cool, and although it may be a little frustrating at first, you'll come to
love it quickly.



Thanks :-D

All I wanted was for someone to explain it in a bit more detail but
that site didnt even mention what "this" is for which really confused
me. Thanks :)

I understand about it making a new Apple each time now. Cheers that
has really cleared things up for me :) Fancy writing a book ;) hehe
On Sat, 4 Oct 2003 20:00:39 -0400, "William Ryan"


I don't suppose you know the answer to my other question a few threads
up? It is about the C# .NET Deluxe Learning Edition.

Basically all i want to know is does it come with the same copy of
Visual C# .NET 2003 Stanard as you would get buying Visual C# .NET
2003 Standard on its own?

I have been caught out in the past when getting similar things as they
come with the same version but it has ben changed slighty and whenever
you run compile something and then run it you get a prompt saying
something like "Educational Edition, DO NOT REDISTRIBUTE THIS FILE",
or similar. Also I have read that Microsoft forgot to put the MSDN
discs in the box so you have to call them and get them to send them!
Is this still a problem or has that batch all gone now and all the
discs are in the case?
C# and the other languages are essentially free. What you're actually
buying is Visual Studio .NET. Not the languages themselves. There are many
free IDE alternatives to VS.NET so you can develop software without paying a
here's a link to the .NET sdk:
<-- the link will wrap, just rebuild it in your browser

Chris Lajoie

Hi Chris,

I already have the SDK install and I am currently using C# Builder
Personal Edition. I also tried #Develop but it wasnt very stable (I
tried it on 3 different systems so it isnt my system thats the

Because it uses the SDK does that mean the version with the book is
identical to the version you buy normally?

Thanks for your reply :)
To date I found O'reilly's Programming C# the best in explaining the details
step by step. Windows programming only follows after getting the concept of
C# OOP first I think.

It has helped me tremendously in at least getting the idea. Now I need to
sit down and do the legwork. Another story altogether, but I'll keep at it!
I sugned up for CodeProject's newsletter too and some of the examples are
very rewarding indeed...

Very cool of you to openly state your problem, you the better person for it.
Honestly I found a copy online as ebook and THEN bought the book 2nd hand
later. Not how it should be, but hey, better late then never...

Hope you'll stick with it. C# (and C++ for that matter) open a world to
Windows AND unix programming.... Well ++ does...
To date I found O'reilly's Programming C# the best in explaining the details
step by step. Windows programming only follows after getting the concept of
C# OOP first I think.

It has helped me tremendously in at least getting the idea. Now I need to
sit down and do the legwork. Another story altogether, but I'll keep at it!
I sugned up for CodeProject's newsletter too and some of the examples are
very rewarding indeed...

Very cool of you to openly state your problem, you the better person for it.
Honestly I found a copy online as ebook and THEN bought the book 2nd hand
later. Not how it should be, but hey, better late then never...

Hope you'll stick with it. C# (and C++ for that matter) open a world to
Windows AND unix programming.... Well ++ does...

where did you get it from? I would buy it today but the shops are
closed! If it is good I will buy it. I dont mind buying books for some
reason :)
Morg said:
where did you get it from? I would buy it today but the shops are
closed! If it is good I will buy it. I dont mind buying books for some
reason :)

I ran into it at a (used) pc stuff market, lots of semi-trustworthy people
and stuff but there are often some big bargains to be had! (I bet you have
those fairs too in your contry?). I paid 12 euro, it was a bit damaged and
dirty. Jesse Liberty wrote it, there's a revised edition for VS 2003,
available at amazon:
I ran into it at a (used) pc stuff market, lots of semi-trustworthy people
and stuff but there are often some big bargains to be had! (I bet you have
those fairs too in your contry?). I paid 12 euro, it was a bit damaged and
dirty. Jesse Liberty wrote it, there's a revised edition for VS 2003,
available at amazon:
And o yeah, I found the ebook using KaZaa Lite/Plusplus... found that thru
Search for csharp (not C#)
Morg said:
Thanks :-D

All I wanted was for someone to explain it in a bit more detail but
that site didnt even mention what "this" is for which really confused
me. Thanks :)

I understand about it making a new Apple each time now. Cheers that
has really cleared things up for me :) Fancy writing a book ;) hehe

This code looks wrong which may be confusing...

public Apple(string appleVariety) {
this.variety = variety;

what they probaly menant was...

public Apple(string variety) {
this.variety = variety;

or here where there is no need for the "this" keyword...

public Apple(string appleVariety) {
variety = appleVariety;
