I love -----------------------


Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
I do I realy do . They have just offered me free . Yes thats FREE phone calls to uk numbers 24/7 . Cos I have been a good customer . Now that I like . A lot .

Do you have to switch to them as a telephone provider to get them?

A good freebie :)
Abarbarian said:

I do I realy do . They have just offered me free . Yes thats FREE phone calls to uk numbers 24/7 . Cos I have been a good customer . Now that I like . A lot .


Well done.

How long have you been with them to get that offer.
I`ve been an AOL customer for about a year or a bit more,but not a phone customer.
Are you already a AOL phone user?
Been with them since 2004 .Had one small bit of bother with them when me modem got fried in a thunder storm
. took them two weeks to get me reconnected . I nearly left but , they offered me me £19.99 pacage that tied me into them for a year , for ------------ £9.99 a month ----- on a month by month deal . So I stayed .
There is no catch .
Yes I have to agree to them being my provider .
It actually will work out cheaper than me BT Option One package .Thats all changing anyway .
So I'll be paying £5 a week for me broadband , up to 2 MB , and free calls to the uk 24/7 .
That will do me .

My sister is with AOL. They kept e-mailing her offering broadband for £20.00 a month and eventually offered her the service for a tenner a month so she took it.

I was with AOL for six years on dial up prior to 2003, I stayed with them at the time because they were the ONLY UK service provider at the time who let me have uniterrupted downloads, everybody else would cut you off after 30 minutes or so.

But at that time they I couldn't connect online using Linux - has that changed then?

Not for me now though, definitely a little too amateurish for me and although you don't have to use it, that dreadful browser of theirs.
Don't see the browser and don't have any AOL software on me pc since I got that Linskys router . think you sold me it . Now using a BT 220V router . Linux connects just fine and flies along . Had no connection problems and I do not notice any slowdowns in the service at all . Download as much as I like and have had no hassle , but I do all me downloadding at night anyawy .
