
Hi, I just wanted to know how can i recover my Office xp
Pro product id number to install it on my PC, I have the
box the certificate of authenticity, but i just lost the
product id number, hot can i get it once again?

Carey Frisch [MVP]

How to Replace Lost, Broken, or Missing Microsoft Software or Hardware

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect your PC!


| Hi, I just wanted to know how can i recover my Office xp
| Pro product id number to install it on my PC, I have the
| box the certificate of authenticity, but i just lost the
| product id number, hot can i get it once again?


you could use something like magic jelly bean keycode reader, just do a search for it on Google and you can download it. The problem is that it will only work if the software is already installed, you may have to contact MS and let them know the situation


"Cesar" said in news:[email protected]:
Hi, I just wanted to know how can i recover my Office xp
Pro product id number to install it on my PC, I have the
box the certificate of authenticity, but i just lost the
product id number, hot can i get it once again?

The product ID number won't help you to install the product. That
number is generated from the product key on the sticker on the jewel
case, in the manual, or somewhere with the product. If the product was
pre-installed, maybe there's a sticker on your computer.

Some products that will show you the product id and keys:

Belarc Advisor

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