Yesterday I printed out a copy of my Outlook calendar for 2004 and noted the
only appointments shown for the first eight months were reoccuring
appointments. What could have happened to the other appointments. Within the
last two weeks I have gotten a new computer and moved all files from Office
2002 to Office 2003. When I noted this problem I went to my old computer and
looked at the calendar and found that it was just like the print out. Are
thes missing apointments somewhere that I can retrive them?
only appointments shown for the first eight months were reoccuring
appointments. What could have happened to the other appointments. Within the
last two weeks I have gotten a new computer and moved all files from Office
2002 to Office 2003. When I noted this problem I went to my old computer and
looked at the calendar and found that it was just like the print out. Are
thes missing apointments somewhere that I can retrive them?