I know

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I have done all that and it just does it its so wierd I even have friends
stumped by the whole thing!!!!!
Zebra Stripes said:
I have done all that and it just does it its so wierd I even have friends
stumped by the whole thing!!!!!

Please reply to the original thread. Do not start a new thread for each
reply - this is NOT a chat room.
Zebra said:
I have done all that and it just does it its so wierd I even have
friends stumped by the whole thing!!!!!

You know and have done what? Your message doesn't reply to an existing
thread, and since it is divorced from what someone apparently said, with not
even a quote, nobody has any idea what you are talking about.

Since you posted using the awful Microsoft web-based interface to this
newsgroup, you may not even realize that you are dealing with a newsgroup
here. What you're doing is the slowest, clunkiest, most error-prone method
of participating in a newsgroup there is. Do yourself a favor and switch to
a newsreader, such as Outlook Express, which comes with Windows. See