I know you all missed me


Chatter Box
Oct 6, 2005
Reaction score
Back again hopefully :nod:

I'd like to say I've spent the last few months celebrating the joys of married life ;)
But actually I've just been busy out of my mind (although I did manage to fit a little celebrating in here & there :rolleyes:
I might be a bit erratic over the next week or so... but I expect you're used to me by now :p
But I will get on as often as I can :nod:
So... whatchya all been up to while I've been away??? :)

God I've missed you guys :D
hello, who are you ?

Missed you, who, us ?? :lol:

We sent out search parties ... we sent out the dogs ... we even called all the police stations & hospitals ... nup, no luck, couldn't even get hold of Pringle.

YES, I think I can say ... WE MISSED YOU. :nod:


:D :wave:
Whoooaaa there who is this mysterious lady...Who calls herself Ciri...:D

Yeah we all Ciriously missed you...;)
Thanks guys :D
It is good to be back :nod:

I wondered what it was that Pringle was squawking about!!! :p

It's really, really good to see you back Ciri :wave: I've been doing my best to keep Abarbarian and his giant hairy-slipper out of your favourite chair - it's been moulting very badly (his slipper, not your chair:p ) - so I left a giant leek "sitting" in it (the chair, not the slipper ;) ) Of course, I knew that no one would be fooled by a leek, so I dressed it up a bit: blonde wig, and 70's kaftan .... which worked pretty well for a while :rolleyes: That is, until the great WCG celebration barbeque, hosted by Mucks and his bouncy castle. Someone - possibly Feckit - but I'm mentioning no names :cool: - thought the leek was a "bit quiet" so he decided to give "her" a helping-hand up onto said bouncy castle. This proved to be a dodgy idea, because the intrepid leek promptly lost it's wig, which was immediately savaged by Itsme's dog, and when the kaftan went askew, revealing the leek's plumptious onion-ness, Mucks promptly grabbed it and served it with lamb-chops :eek:

Just the usual PCR stuff :lol: Welcome back Ciri :thumb: we've missed you :D
Great to see ya back Ciri. The place was too quiet without you! :D

cirianz said:
I might be a bit erratic over the next week or so... but I expect you're used to me by now :p
You no, but yes great to have you back.:nod:
Sadly Taffycat blames others for their own discretions!!;)
Hey there Ciri great to have you back again!


I'm thinking of a word... it starts in P, ends in Y and has art in the middle.

And its not Poorly :D
lol, sane...? sane...? Who's been spreading nasty rumors about me!!! I deny it all, absolutely & categorically!!! It was someone else! i wasn't even in the country at the time... in fact I wasn't even on the planet at the time!!! Now... what was I talking about...? :confused:

And I was definitely never leeking!!! It's just my new perfume! Honest! :p


Now, did someone say something about a party??? :D:D:D
Who are you?

Hang on..... memories...... ah yes...... accident prone nutter....

Howdy doody babes ;)
cirianz said:
:lol:Now, did someone say something about a party??? :D:D:D

Hey guys, Ciri most definitely deserves a welcome-home party - shouldn't we be de-coking the BBQ and ordering the goodies? Flops might even DJ for us if we ask him nicely...? :cool: :D
... oh no, not the bouncy castle again, I hate pumpin that up. :rolleyes:

I'll go get the beer, little pink umbrella's, straws, ice cubes, little things on sticks (ugh) and more beer. :D

And to think some people think i'm slighly mad, a shrink would have a field day here with you lot!!!:lol: