I know...Another Combo Box question

  • Thread starter Thread starter Don
  • Start date Start date


Can someone Please explain, or tell me how this is done?

I have a form with all related fields on it. In the header of this form is a
Combo Box
and I can select from any name in the list. My question is how do I, and
what code is used
to be able to start typing in the combo box and the item that matches is
placed in the combo box? There after press enter to locate record and
populate fields on form.


I think the first part of the question relates to the AutoExpand
property of the combobox, which should be set to Yes to get the effect
you are asking for.

Place code or macro on the AfterUpdate event of the combobox to locate
the required record. One way of doing this is to use code similar to
DoCmd.FindRecord Me.YourCombobox

.... where YourField is the field in the form which corresponds to the
value of the combobox - this will probably be the primary key field of
the data.