Stephan said:
LOL, never even looked at Sun Solaris. =)
Me trying to make a 600cc bike behave like it has 1,000cc. =)
Essentially, I've been riding that bike so aggressively that I managed to
stretch out the timing chain about a month ago to a point where it had to
be replaced. I suspect that at this point in time the valves in that
particular cylinder suffered or already previously suffered minor damage.
Then time and high rpms just did it's thing and eventually the valve bent
to the point where it snapped and the above is the result.
Careful! Take better care of your machine, or you could be the next
casualty, and not just a valve or the head.
Last time I blew a motor in my bike was on a road trip across the state
in the middle of nowhere. I suspect I got some bad gas with water in it
and it blew a nickel sized hole in the flat of one of my pistons. I
then road the bike on the shoulder 10 miles to the next exit and sat on
a gravel pile outside of a gas station in a tiny town for the next 8
hours waiting for my friend to get there with his truck to take me and
my bike back home.
Priceless quotes in group:
"Fair use is not merely a nice concept--it is a federal law based on
free speech rights under the First Amendment and is a cornerstone of the
creativity and innovation that is a hallmark of this country. Consumer
rights in the digital age are not frivolous."
- Maura Corbett