i have two hard disk drives???



I went on to the computer and went in to my computer and saw two hard disk drives. the one is called Local Disk (C:) which is normal but the other is called System_Sav (D:) this one i have never heard of. I dont know how it got there but it has 2 gb capacity and is the boot drive. I was wondering how i could change the boot drive to Local Disk and how to get rid of system_sav. A reply would help me alot. Thank You.

Bob M.

There's a 99% chance that the D drive is a complete
system recovery in case your C is damaged. I would not
get rid of it, you never know when you will need it. Ever
read posts on this newsgroup???? People would kill to have
such an easy recovery system!!!!

Bob M.

JNWHAT06 said:
I went on to the computer and went in to my computer and saw two hard disk
drives. the one is called Local Disk (C:) which is normal but the other is
called System_Sav (D:) this one i have never heard of. I dont know how it
got there but it has 2 gb capacity and is the boot drive. I was wondering
how i could change the boot drive to Local Disk and how to get rid of
system_sav. A reply would help me alot. Thank You.


Getting rid of system_sav is not to be recommended.. it is the partition
that contains all files needed to restore your computer to 'factory'

Now go back to the option that hides system files, directories et al, and
forget about what you have seen..

JNWHAT06 said:
I went on to the computer and went in to my computer and saw two hard disk
drives. the one is called Local Disk (C:) which is normal but the other is
called System_Sav (D:) this one i have never heard of. I dont know how it
got there but it has 2 gb capacity and is the boot drive. I was wondering
how i could change the boot drive to Local Disk and how to get rid of
system_sav. A reply would help me alot. Thank You.


ohhhh, ok, I just asked a question in your other post (2 posts for the same
thing, except the other was not worded correctly) As you already probably
know from the 2 answers already here, "D" is most likely Recovery
info...many mfgrs are using this instead of recovery CDs.


JNWHAT06 said:
I went on to the computer and went in to my computer and saw two hard disk
drives. the one is called Local Disk (C:) which is normal but the other is
called System_Sav (D:) this one i have never heard of. I dont know how it
got there but it has 2 gb capacity and is the boot drive. I was wondering
how i could change the boot drive to Local Disk and how to get rid of
system_sav. A reply would help me alot. Thank You.

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