I have to pay to put it on the web

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dan
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I cannot believe this I have to pay to put my movies on
the web can't even convert it to any other format so that
I am ablle to publish it. Nothing is mentioned at the
movie maker website about conversions maybe someone might
have a clue. I think this is just another way for MS to
make money off our poor souls, wonder how much they are
get from Neptune Mediashare. I am in the wrong business.
Dan said:
I cannot believe this I have to pay to put my movies on
the web can't even convert it to any other format so that
I am ablle to publish it. Nothing is mentioned at the
movie maker website about conversions maybe someone might
have a clue. I think this is just another way for MS to
make money off our poor souls, wonder how much they are
get from Neptune Mediashare. I am in the wrong business.

Your post (above) contains a few flaws.

Movie Maker 2 will save files as AVI or WMV. there is free software
available from Microsoft that will convert your WMV file into an ASF file so
that all can see it on your own website....if your viewers have the latest
software you can even post your WMV file to your own website and let others
view it

Your expectation of having something for nothing is quite amazing, do
you really believe that there are some wonderful people out there who will
spend countless thousands so that you can put your video up for FREE
viewing? If you do, can you let the rest of us know.

Microsoft GAVE YOU FOR FREE Movie Maker 2, how you equate that with "MS
making money off our poor soles" is quite staggering. Microsoft put no
pressure on you to use any site or pay any money to anyone. You will have to
do what the rest of us do...Spend some money!!!

I have many home made DVD's now mostly because of MM2....none of the
other software available at the same price as MM2 (i.e. NOTHING) was very
good at all.

Have you got the message yet??

All the best.....
You don't have to pay to put movies on the web. Set your computer up to do
it - and give people the links.

With the WMV and DV-AVI format options of Movie Maker 2, you can convert the
files into anything you want to. See the Saving Movies... and
Distributing... sections of www.papajohn.org
Well I see someone owns MS stock....

No no...just do not like broad sweeping ill-conceived and poorly advised
generalisations of that sort. If the person has that much of a problem,
switch to another operating system...and yes, I do run another OS (Redhat

All the best.....
Got your email but I can't respond to digitally signed secure ones. I need a
translation to finish the english lesson. Maybe it'll help me wonder about
the camel.

I don't think "Microsoft GAVE YOU FOR FREE Movie Maker 2" is entirely
accurate: WMM is included as part of Windows XP (so "included" in fact that
it is quite difficult to remove). Windows XP is not free (it costs real
$$$), and WMM is part of XP, therefore WMM is not "free".

Your statement "I have many home made DVD's now mostly because of MM2" can
be misleading in this newsgroup as it could be taken to imply that you can
create DVD-Video (i.e., can be played in a stand-alone DVD player) disks
with WMM2. Using WMM2, you can't create *anything* that can be played on a
(currently available) stand-alone DVD player; you *always* have to
explicitly use a third-party package. Of course, you can write WMV files to
DVD (perhaps even in HighMAT format) for playback on a computer; but most
people assume "DVD" is "DVD-Video".

PapaJohn (MVP) said:
No problem reading it - but didn't want to post my full response here.

Oh, right...well the email address will accept non-secure emails no
problem at all...you have my curiosity peaked now!

All the best.....
J. Daniel Smith said:
I don't think "Microsoft GAVE YOU FOR FREE Movie Maker 2" is entirely
accurate: WMM is included as part of Windows XP (so "included" in fact that
it is quite difficult to remove). Windows XP is not free (it costs real
$$$), and WMM is part of XP, therefore WMM is not "free".

Your statement "I have many home made DVD's now mostly because of MM2" can
be misleading in this newsgroup as it could be taken to imply that you can
create DVD-Video (i.e., can be played in a stand-alone DVD player) disks
with WMM2. Using WMM2, you can't create *anything* that can be played on a
(currently available) stand-alone DVD player; you *always* have to
explicitly use a third-party package. Of course, you can write WMV files to
DVD (perhaps even in HighMAT format) for playback on a computer; but most
people assume "DVD" is "DVD-Video".

I have drafted another reply to your message, but have decided not to
bother sending it.

All the best.....
J. Daniel Smith said:
I don't think "Microsoft GAVE YOU FOR FREE Movie Maker 2" is entirely
accurate: WMM is included as part of Windows XP (so "included" in fact that
it is quite difficult to remove). Windows XP is not free (it costs real
$$$), and WMM is part of XP, therefore WMM is not "free".

Your statement "I have many home made DVD's now mostly because of MM2" can
be misleading in this newsgroup as it could be taken to imply that you can
create DVD-Video (i.e., can be played in a stand-alone DVD player) disks
with WMM2. Using WMM2, you can't create *anything* that can be played on a
(currently available) stand-alone DVD player; you *always* have to
explicitly use a third-party package. Of course, you can write WMV files to
DVD (perhaps even in HighMAT format) for playback on a computer; but most
people assume "DVD" is "DVD-Video".
Windows XP is an Operating System. The program Movie Maker allows you to
perform certain functions that are ancillary to and not part of the
Operating System itself. As a Freebie, you get loads of add on tools, just
as you do with all Operating Systems, Linux, UNIX, HP etc etc etc. One of
those Freebie tools is the Media Player...it is not part of the Operating
System, therefore it is a tool. That tool was given to you for FREE....then
Microsoft decided to give us another FREE tool, its called Windows Movie
Maker. The program Windows Movie Maker and Windows Media Player CAN both be
DELETED rendering it impossible to use either program again until such time
as you replace them. Deleting either of these FREE TOOLS will have no effect
upon the Operating System...the bit you paid for!!!! Here is the definition
of an Operating System as defined by Websters....

Main Entry: operating system
Function: noun
: software that controls the operation of a computer and directs the
processing of programs (as by assigning storage space in memory and
controlling input and output functions)

From that definition together with my comments before, I think it is now
reasonable to repeat my first thoughts...Windows XP is an Operating System
that you can Buy, Windows Media Player and Movie Maker are not an Operating
System and form no part in the functionality of the Operating System called
Windows XP, Yon can not buy either of these tools either...they are FREE as
is the upgrade from MM1 to MM2. It must therefore follow that Microsoft GAVE
YOU at NO COST these tools and many others besides. And finally, if
Microsoft decided to remove these tools from XP, do you think future
customers would pay less???
Your statement "I have many home made DVD's now mostly because of MM2" can
be misleading in this newsgroup as it could be taken to imply that you can
create DVD-Video (i.e., can be played in a stand-alone DVD player) disks
with WMM2. Using WMM2, you can't create *anything* that can be played on a
(currently available) stand-alone DVD player; you *always* have to
explicitly use a third-party package. Of course, you can write WMV files to
DVD (perhaps even in HighMAT format) for playback on a computer; but most
people assume "DVD" is "DVD-Video".

You are now clutching at something in order to start a silly flaming
war...and I do mean SILLY, VERY SILLY, but yes, I suppose it could be
misleading, but what a load of unwanted waffle contributing nothing at all
to the point that Movie Maker FREE!!!

All the best.....
My understanding is that Mac users can create DVDs (DVD-Video disks) without
paying extra $$$ for third-party tools (iMovie=WMM2, iDVD=<third-party>).

Microsoft could have done the same; they didn't, in large part because they
want to push their own WMV format instead of using MPEG. However, this may
change in Longhorn, see the "DVD movie making" section near the end of

J. Daniel Smith said:
My understanding is that Mac users can create DVDs (DVD-Video disks) without
paying extra $$$ for third-party tools (iMovie=WMM2, iDVD=<third-party>).

Microsoft could have done the same; they didn't, in large part because they
want to push their own WMV format instead of using MPEG. However, this may
change in Longhorn, see the "DVD movie making" section near the end of

I thought that this thread had ended up debating whether Windows Movie
Maker was a free tool, whatever Microsoft choose to do in the future is
irrelevant and will remain speculation until such time as they announce it,
and what the heck Mac users have to do with the conversation is well, what
does it have to do with the conversation? Pulling together tenuous links in
some attempt, I guess, at showing you are right, is not really going to help
when people consider the way you dived on top of Not Just A Nutter...its a
poor show.
J. Daniel Smith said:
My understanding is that Mac users can create DVDs (DVD-Video disks) without
paying extra $$$ for third-party tools (iMovie=WMM2, iDVD=<third-party>).

Anyway, what's the weather like today in SAN RAFAEL? Plenty hot I guess
