I HaVE This fUnNy SEtTiNg oN My tYpe And i Can't FiGure ouT hOW I

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Word 2007, Toshiba laptop, experienced user.
I was snagging screenshots for a learning resource and accidentally toggled
something with the keyboard (don't know how I did it) and this is what
happened to my type:

I HaVE This fUnNy SEtTiNg oN My tYpe And i Can't FiGure ouT hOW I dId iT

I had to re-boot to clear it. I cannot replicate it today with all kinds of
keyboard combinations. Any ideas anyone?

In Word 2007 when you might of pushed Shift+F3 which will toggle selected
text from one style to another. Another way that could have changed it is
when you select the Change Case button and select toggle.
Hope this helps some.