Hi Art,
There probably isn't a setting for the particular scenario you mentioned.
Those items will likely appear to Word as a list, and list elements could generally be separated by commas. You can turn on all of
the settings and subsettings to check both Grammar and style that are available in
Office button=>Word Options=>Proofing=>When correcting spelling and grammar in Word=>Writing Style=>Settings
Word's proofing tools are to assist in reviewing work as you type or after, they don't replace personal review, nor have they ever
been advertised that I recall as being good enough to do so. The Word tools are imperfect.
Word 2007 will show 3 'squiggly' format colors:
Red - spelling
Blue - contextual spelling (and or inconsistent format tracking)
Green - Grammar
for issues it can recognize as unique. Whether Word *should* catch this is another question
If you rearrange your sentence from
There is a comma after every word.
After every word there is a comma.
Word's grammar checker will flag that sentence, suggesting adding a comma after 'word'.

so it is 'seeing' the content.
If you used this text (with all choices for Grammar & Style turned on):
Once upon a time in the west
Word's grammar checker lists it as a 'fragment' no matter if you use a comma after every word or just type it, as above. That
'rule' appears to override anything else the proofing tools may be seeing.
When I mentioned the spell checker, I meant the spelling/grammar/style
checker. I just want to know how to fix the problem. I want to know what
exactly I have to do to the grammar checking to get it to flag improperly
placed commas with the red squiggly lines and for such errors to be shown to
me when I use the spelling/grammar/style checker. >>
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
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