When I change a contact's e-mail address, the old address continues to
show up on autofill. In addition, when someone sends me a group e-mail
with one wrong address, that wrong address is added to my autofill
without any action on my part. This apparently happens to my friends as
well, because they tell me they have deleted the bad address, but I
continue to get group e-mails from them with that same bad address for
one member.
How do I delete these phantom addresses once and for all!?
show up on autofill. In addition, when someone sends me a group e-mail
with one wrong address, that wrong address is added to my autofill
without any action on my part. This apparently happens to my friends as
well, because they tell me they have deleted the bad address, but I
continue to get group e-mails from them with that same bad address for
one member.
How do I delete these phantom addresses once and for all!?