It's impossible to answer your situation without some additional detail.
What is your big and small tables? Generally speaking, however, you want
data that you enter to go into a single table, or into several related tables
as defined by a query. You generally should NOT store data redundantly.
For example, a table Customers might store the customer name, address,
phone, etc. An Orders table might store an Order Number, the date, the sales
rep, etc. The two tables are related by ONE common field, the CustomerID.
This field, which is the Primary Key in the Customers table, is called a
Foreign Key in the Orders table. It is the ONLY Customers field that should
be stored in Orders--the name and any other fields one needs to either
display or print on a report are gotten by creating a query containing the
two tables, linked by the common field. When linked, the query behaves just
like a table that had ALL of the fields of each.
This is a frequent misunderstanding of new users (I know, cause I was one
myself!) of the difference between what is *stored* and what is *displayed*
on a form, or *printed* in a report. Generally, data input occurs on a form
that might have more than one table source, or might have a main form with an
emdedded detail subform, such as a Customers form, with a continuous subform
showing all of those customers orders.
I hope that gives you some useful information. Please post additional
detail on your table(s)' structure(s), and we can answer your specific