My computer crashed while patching XP Home with SP2.
As a result of this, several files were corrupted.
Windows told me to re-install over the top of my prior
installation. I did this and recreated my computer name,
all of the settings, and hardware to as close to the
original configuration as possible. But now, it won't
let me get into my original "my documents" folder. Is
there a way to get into this folder? I know the username
and password, but cannot find a place to put it.
As a result of this, several files were corrupted.
Windows told me to re-install over the top of my prior
installation. I did this and recreated my computer name,
all of the settings, and hardware to as close to the
original configuration as possible. But now, it won't
let me get into my original "my documents" folder. Is
there a way to get into this folder? I know the username
and password, but cannot find a place to put it.