I have just applied to be...

May 18, 2004
Reaction score
A special constable.

Cambridgeshire Police Force.

200 hours/year commitment, 15 weeks training (every sunday 9-4 at police HQ if i get in)

Looks fun - i get to drive police cars around and pull people over chris edit: not for speeding but for like being on phone/drink driving etc.
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Chris i suggest you delete the last sentence (pardon the pun);)
Oh and get a hair cut laddie

Oh and dont tell to many other students, they may not like you being a special:(
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S' funny, I was thinking about this, the other day, driving along.

And how you, Mr Postill, wanted to join the police mostly to sort out chavs and bang people up ;)

The police force has changed (See TV series 'Life On Mars'). Your average plod is now more of a community worker than a nicking machine, helping to preserve peace and harmony within a community. Which, I reckon, is how it should be.

When joining The Job an applicant should have the attitude he wants to help people rather than lock them up.

So what happens when you become a special then? No training, they give you a truncheon, point you at the neighbourhood and say 'Go nick loads of people' :lol:

Sorry, couldn't help myself... ;)
Hahahaha flops :D

Actually a special constable receieves all the training a regular officer gets, and wears an identical uniform, carries identical kit and has identical powers.

The *ONLY* difference is that of being paid...

You cant preserve peace and harmony without locking the bad guys up... And thats what i want to help do... catch bad people and help the good... protecting life and property

Oh yeah... i will need a haircut
The music to dixon of dock green & juilet bravo suddenly springs to mind;)

Go for it Chris i'm sure you will do fine if you get selected, it's a good way to serve the community and to get an insight into the work of the Police. A Friday or Saturday night at chucking out time or chucking up time for others may change your mind a bit.

Good Luck:thumb:
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Go on Chris

I tell you what..with Chris`s attitude i would love to see more Police take up his mentality . Go on Chris bang up loads of ruffians m8...well done ...I am proud of you :bow:
Dixon of dock green
Gasp, are you that old feckit ??

Around here the 'specials' all wear a blue band round their hat, but apart from that, all their kit is the same ... don't see any 'driving' they is usually dropped off for their beat.

Being a Holiday Resort here, close to Liverpool, they are a welcome sight for shop owners. Can't remember last time I saw a 'real' copper in the streets ... they tend to be in their cars acting as taxi drivers. :D

Good luck anyway ... 'tis what you want to do, go for it ... hope the experience opens your eyes a little more :thumb:
Have they also assured you that you will get the special advanced driving course you have to go on before you are even considered to drive one of their cars?
Rush said:
I tell you what..with Chris`s attitude i would love to see more Police take up his mentality . Go on Chris bang up loads of ruffians m8...well done ...I am proud of you :bow:

Ok, gotta explain myself, or you'll all think I'm a mamby pamby, limp-wristed; liberal; soft-hearted apologist for criminals.

I'm not.

Prove to me somebody is guilty of something really bad - and I mean prove without doubt - and I'll willingly give them a good kicking/execute them/lock them up.

Really :)

All I'm trying to say is if a future copper joins the force with nothing but negative thoughts on his mind - 'Nick, nick, nick' he's gonna be a bad copper.

There should be just as much of a buzz helping somebody who's lost, a locked out little old lady, whatever, than nicking some scally.

That's all I'm trying to say.

There are a lot of aspects to being a police officer, see the bigger picture. Intelligent officers - and by intelligence I mean being socially aware and knowing what goes down on the street - are few and far between, it seems. And I don't mean academically bright, that counts for ****-all at 4am when you faced with somebody nasty, I mean being sussed.

Know what I mean? :)
christopherpostill said:
Actually a special constable receieves all the training a regular officer gets, and wears an identical uniform, carries identical kit and has identical powers.

The *ONLY* difference is that of being paid...
Not quite Chris - the training is not the same and the uniform is not identical - they have Special Constable on their epaulettes and name badge if the Force has them, and as Mucks says, depending on the Force the cap band may be different.

You won't get an Advanced Driving Course unfortunately, but you will get to drive Beat Cars, Vans etc.

I wish you luck, and as Flops says, try to mix your enthusiasm for nicking everything that moves with compassion and fairness.

I admire you for your willingness to give something to the Community :thumb:
Point taken Flops ...but what do you do when red tape or political correct idiots make your justified actions (response) a joke !!!! after you have helped granny jones cross the road or you comforted Johnny Smith after he fell off his bike and you carry on doing your job with a smile on your face then along come little blighter Tom who lets someones car tyres down and scratches their paintwork ..and you can`t twist his ear for fear of losing your Job or being sent to prison !!!!!

Nah lets get back to the old times ....Get the younger generation to learn respect and make their parent(s) responsible. If they dont then we need to look into ways to deal with that !!!!

Dont give up your passion Chris, just know when to apply common sense and you will be fine .
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Adywebb said:
I wish you luck, and as Flops says, try to mix your enthusiasm for nicking everything that moves with compassion and fairness.

Thank you for agreeing.

Rush: Brute force don't cut it.

Intelligence, determination, long hours, an enthusiasm to defeat your enemy, psychology, quick stings, PR - these will work.

Kill your enemy's confidence, you've won.

Don't believe the tabloids.

Don't think everything is falling apart because of a few sensationalist stories in The Sun Newspaper.

Why is it everybody likes to believe everything is ****?

It isn't.

This is England, far as I'm concerned, best country in the world.

We didn't bow down or go with Hitler, much to his surprise. We suffered, but we won.

That spirit is still alive. Or at least I'd like to think so.

And all us Brits, be you a 1950's West Indian Immigrant or somebody non white who got here recently, hopefully share that sense of fair play.

Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know. It's very very easy to be negative.

It's a lot harder to see how the silent majority of citizens in this country are actually really really decent people.

I've been at St Thomas' & Guys Hospitals in London recently, quite a lot.

I see white folk, what I consider 'real' Londoners, accent and all, working alongside black folk, asian folk, jewish folk, vietnamese even, all are good. It works, we're all human.

I've still to make me mind up about Eastern Europeans, lookin' to me a bit iffy, but seems to me Polish peeps is mostly OK.

Hmm, I'm rambling, ain't I? :D

What the hell made me spout this?

I dunno.

Ho hum.

Now where was I? ;)
Go for it Chris. I go with Flops on this one & I really think you'll make an excellent copper.

But be careful... Last night here in Dunedin, Cops in a highspeed car chase plowed into an oncoming car. Head on collision, 3 people dead. :(
They didn't say on the news if the car being chased stopped to help of kept on going. This being Dunedin then likely it was just boy-racers (otherwise it would've made the news article). Seems to be a high price to pay for what would've been a slap on the wrist & a speeding ticket. Our council & local coppers seem so determined to squish Boy racers lately that I know of cases where more serious crimes have been left untended in order to chase them. Seems to me the priorities got a bit screwwed somewhere :(

Sorry Chris, didn't mean to be depressing. It was just on the news now :(
Bad timing I suppose.
Dear Chris

If yu need any help with your application/interview, let me know as 'I know a man who can help' :)

Good luck!!!!

Gabriella xx
Ciri - Sucks about that chase. It's a shame. I'm sure they died doing what they love best.

Gabs - Thanks :) I'm waiting to hear from Huntingdon Police HQ at the moment :)

Going to the gym today to start my fitness reigeme. Need to do a bleep test (whatever that is) and score 5.6 i think to pass, aswell as some resistance excersises
You will love the beep test

You run straight up and down a sports hall over a measured area, at each end will be a cone you have to get to the cone before it bleeps then turn round and get to the other cone before it bleeps, It's easy to start with!

Try to pace yourself 5.6 is not that hard to get to, but you will need to be able to do it. They will be looking for effort, stamina but above all the determination to get the task done. In this case how high over 5.6 you can do.

Have fun:D
I think that as long as i get the score on the beep test, i'm in... at least thats the impression i got.

I have completed and sent off my application form, and they have already contacted IML for a reference...

Fingers crossed... i really want this interview... and the position!

The application form was quite a mission - government security clearance, lots of medical stuff, they wanted to know how many days i had off uni, college and work over the past 3 years.

We shall have to wait and see :)
By Flops..

All I'm trying to say is if a future copper joins the force with nothing but negative thoughts on his mind - 'Nick, nick, nick' he's gonna be a bad copper.

There should be just as much of a buzz helping somebody who's lost, a locked out little old lady, whatever, than nicking some scally.

That's all I'm trying to say.

Good Point
I've been at St Thomas' & Guys Hospitals in London recently, quite a lot.

I see white folk, what I consider 'real' Londoners, accent and all, working alongside black folk, asian folk, jewish folk, vietnamese even, all are good. It works, we're all human.

Agreed.(Totally)..just do what is best for this Great Country Chris ..​
Good Luck