I have few questions regarding maping and file attributes

  • Thread starter Thread starter Saad F Malik
  • Start date Start date

Saad F Malik

Can some one please help me with few questions
1)how do we map the drives through command line and
2)how can we change the attributes of files through command line
3)what does .DAT files contain
4) and in which directory windows XP installation is located in Hard drive
To map a drive

net use k: \\computername sharename

In a command prompt type "net use /?" to see all the parameters available
To change attributes

attrib +a +s +r +h c:\filename

In a command prompt type "attrib /?" to see all the parameters available
..DAT files are used by many programs for different purposes
Windows stores your profile info as ntuser.dat
A music player may store a filelist as a playlist.dat file
The default location for an XP installation is C:\windows

You can always find out by openeing a command prompt and typing "set"
This will show a listing of enviroment variables
The variable systemroot holds the location of the current windows installation
1) i want to know too
2) attrib
3) may be anything, depend on the software which create them.