I have failed updates too, but different ones

  • Thread starter Thread starter Maggielena
  • Start date Start date


I keep getting a box on my desktop that indicates that Windows cannot update.
So I go into the Windows Update and tell it to update. It says it can't
because it has to download some software first. So I tell it to do that. It
comes back and says this all over again...we keep going around in a circle
never getting anywhere. The only error message I have seen is 800700A. I saw
a similar error number in another thread, so I got brave, or was it stupid?,
did what it said, but it did not cure this problem. Did not seem to hurt
anything though.

I cannot get help from Microsoft because it was installed on my pc when I
bought it, so I have been online with HP all day, to no avail. Nothing works.
They also had me download an HP update agent, and when I tried to install
it, it said it was already installed.

Can anyone here help me? It has not updated since late November, and at that
time I do not remember any downloads or new software. I did have a lot of
printer problems but have replaced it in the past month.

I hope someone's answer and a couple of Aleve will help. Thanks for any help.

Mick: I am terribly sorry. You are right. It is 8007007A. I was brain dead
from all day on the chatline trying to fix this, if that is a good excuse!
Thanks for any help.