Can anybody please tell me how to un-do what I have done, which seems so simple and harmless...but I had my desktop computer upgraded with different MB, SATA drive all sorts of new stuff, and when I got home to re-establish the network with my own laptop at home through a Qwest modem/router; it wouldnt connect up the way the old computer automatically found the lap top. So I went in and somehow on my desktop (the one connected to the modem/router through the phone line; laptop has the wireless cardbus in it) I have all these separate little connections unto themselves and no main connection out. Just little mini local network connections (I have the ethernet and the USB both plugged in to the modem, it was that way with the old computer so it seemed fine) and I cant break them and go back to just one main connection to the outside world. The Internet connection icon comes up once in a while but wont connect, just the little self contained ones with the little pipes connecting arround them icons. And I have this strange new either ad hoc or wireless connection that named itself appell77-2 (my network connection that I have always had is named appell77) and it is playing havoc with the laptops connection, which at least still works to the internet (but the desktop which is connected to the modem wont--just plain bizarre!) I cleaned windows out of the computer and started over and nothing was left on the coimputer, a complete cleaning--Except of course the three little mini connections...they were still there after all that removal of everything on the computer! And I can not for the life of me get rid of them! Please somebody help me un-do this network hell I have put myself into...
sorry about the length of this.
sorry about the length of this.