After the first time you print preview or print a worksheet, Excel displays
the page breaks. However, if it is only letting you print part of your
sheet, it may be that it has a print area set that is less than your entire
Click the Page Layout tab and in the Page setup group, click Print Area,
Clear Print Area.
If that didn't fix it completely...
To set your sheet so that it will all print on one page, click the little
button to the right of the Scale to Fit group name. Set the page to
Landscape orientation if your data is wider than it is long, and then under
Scaling, click the Fit to option button. That will move the page breaks to
around your data instead of through it.
Another way:
Click the view tab and Page Break Preview, blue lines will outline your
print area and page breaks. In this view you can drag the blue lines to set
the area that you want to print. Dragging the solid blue line will expand
the print area and dragging the dashed blue lines will adjust the scaling to
make more fit on a page. Drag it to the solid blue line to make it all fit
on one page.
Hope this helps.