I have the need to change a Datatable into an ADO Recordset. I have found the article "Much ADO About Data: Doing the Impossible (Again) by William Vaughn at http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnhcvb03/html/vb03l10.asp. In the article the project writes and uses two XML files. Since I am going to be using this with an ASP.NET project I would think that writing temp files would be a bad idea. I was looking into using MemoryStream, but not really sure if I am going down the right path or what problems that would cause. Is there a way of changing a Datatable into an ADO Recordset without having the need to write any files to the hard drive based on this example? Or....does anyone have any other ideas on how to do this all within memory
I have the need to change a Datatable into an ADO Recordset. I have found the article "Much ADO About Data: Doing the Impossible (Again) by William Vaughn at http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnhcvb03/html/vb03l10.asp. In the article the project writes and uses two XML files. Since I am going to be using this with an ASP.NET project I would think that writing temp files would be a bad idea. I was looking into using MemoryStream, but not really sure if I am going down the right path or what problems that would cause. Is there a way of changing a Datatable into an ADO Recordset without having the need to write any files to the hard drive based on this example? Or....does anyone have any other ideas on how to do this all within memory