I have a missing form in Business contacts manager so I can't ope.

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I am trying to use Business Contact manager, I have no contacts in their at
the moment if I click on New Contact I get an error message saying
The form required to view this message cannot be displayed Contact
I dont have an admisnistrator as I am just a small business with Outlook
2003 on my Lap Top
BCM sometimes has what's known as a "forms cache" problem. Clearing the
cache usually fixes it. Choose Tools | Options | Other | Advanced Options |
Custom Forms, then click Manage Forms, then Clear Cache. If simply clearing
the cache doesn't fix the issue, try the other steps detailed at

The bulk of the forms cache issues in Outlook 2003 are fixed in Service Pack
1, so you should also install Office 2003 Service Pack 1 as well as BCM SP1.