I just recently went through the torture of having to
reload my os. I had a user called owner where the files
were under Doc & Setting/Owner The folder is still there
after installing the OS but I get access denied on that
folder. I tried to go to sharing and security but the
first box is unhighlighted and the second box no matter
what I check does not change anything about getting
access. How do I get access to this folder? I have
administrator rights and am totally lost here. The
reason for the need of access is that I am hoping my
daugthers course work and white papers are there but
until I can access I dont know.
Please advise
reload my os. I had a user called owner where the files
were under Doc & Setting/Owner The folder is still there
after installing the OS but I get access denied on that
folder. I tried to go to sharing and security but the
first box is unhighlighted and the second box no matter
what I check does not change anything about getting
access. How do I get access to this folder? I have
administrator rights and am totally lost here. The
reason for the need of access is that I am hoping my
daugthers course work and white papers are there but
until I can access I dont know.
Please advise