I have 4 bars on a graph.
authorized labor dollars
authorized non-labor dollars......these 2 are stacked on top of each other
for the total authorized.
I also have remaining balances for each of these groups and the normal stack
graph stacks the authorized on top of each other and the remaining balances
on top of each other. I want the balance for the labor dollars to sit
inside (thinner bar which i have done) but I want the balance for the
non-labor $'s to sit inside the upper stack non-labor vice stacked on top of
the non labor balance.
authorized labor dollars
authorized non-labor dollars......these 2 are stacked on top of each other
for the total authorized.
I also have remaining balances for each of these groups and the normal stack
graph stacks the authorized on top of each other and the remaining balances
on top of each other. I want the balance for the labor dollars to sit
inside (thinner bar which i have done) but I want the balance for the
non-labor $'s to sit inside the upper stack non-labor vice stacked on top of
the non labor balance.