Over Easy
JEWboy said:How would you feel when after a shutdown, or next morning, or at random
during a runnign session, numerous WinExplorer folders change
listing/sroting appearance to what imbecile progreammer likes, and NOT
what you left at last time?
The conclusion I would come to is that you have your head shoved up your ass
and that Vista is way too complicated for that pile of Donkey shit between
your ears.
How DID it feel when in WindowsXP you set it once and you can be assured
for sometimes a year, not to waste time on resorting and changing listing
back to LIST and not "medium icons" appearance.
Who is the degenerate moron programming WinExplorer to be a piece of such
trash comparing to WindowsXP.
You still don't understand the Operating Systems. I suggest drinking more,
taking more drugs, finding a Sheep and taking a long vacation with that
You don't have an answer, MS-funded, fanatic Vista promoter MVP, you don't
want to admit this is garbage.
They don't want to deal with a SHIT-HEAD like yourself.
And is the reason businesses stayed away from Vista for 2 years.
WinExplorer is one of the central pieces of GUI, screw it up one mroe time
in Windws7 and expect your revenues to fall further.
Stick with Etch-A-Sketch. With 5 weeks of intensive training, you just
might be able to use the Etch-A-Sketch by yourself.
Just FYI.