Umm no it's not - it just
Err... the point is Vista doesn't work well... for a LOT of people.
Surprisingly Microsoft blew it BIG TIME in an area where they
previously excelled at; marketing.
We were told Vista has a WOW factor. What Microsoft didn't say was the
typical consumer after using Vista would say wow, this pile of crap
keeps preventing me from accessing my files because of it's lame UAC
bullshit. And wow, Microsoft's damn Digital Rights Management drives
me nuts and wow, there are how many different versions of Vista?
Microsoft was greedy. Clearly anyone with just average intelligence
after using Vista knows without a doubt that Vista was rushed out the
door, unready, not finished, poorly tested and prone to cause problems
for many. Everyone? No, but WAY TOO MANY have problems.
Microsoft removed all the hope and promise from the shipped version of
Vista. Why? Because they bit off more than they could chew. Nearly
five years in development with many changes planned the boys of
Redmond discovered they simply couldn't deliver. So that wow factor
was reduced to eye candy fluff and even that is at best cheesy.
Microsoft further goofed in that their partners clearly weren't ready.
Many "upgrading" to Vista discovered they needed to buy expensive
hardware upgrades like graphic cards and new scanners and printers and
sometimes more memory. For example many main line printers from the
major companies didn't have Vista drivers and said flat out they
weren't about to write new ones either for products that might have
been released as little as a year earlier forcing consumers to buy
newer models or try to force a older driver to work thus crippling
features that worked in XP, then no longer would for Vista.
Then we have the Vista Advisor, often giving inaccurate advice if your
old system would run correctly without change under Vista and the even
worse "Vista Certified" program that can be best described as a hoax
again angering consumers who bought something new that was CERTIFIED
to work with Vista only to take it home and find out it didn't.
Perhaps the biggest reason for Vista to receive the back of the hand
from may trying it is there was precious little new in Vista that
consumers wanted. This is a serious mistake. If you don't improve the
latest version then there is little reason to upgrade.
The hype factor: While Microsoft claims Vista is selling, much of the
sales are preinstalled in new boxes. In other words a shotgun
marriage. If you're in the market for a new box, changes are if you
wanted to stick with Windows you only choice was Vista or maybe you
could beg for a copy of XP if you could find a retailer carrying a box
with that installed.
As usual Microsoft seems very accomplished at shooting itself in the
foot. The numbers don't lie. Over a year on the shelf and 84% of
consumers already running Windows, haven't and aren't about to upgrade
anytime soon.