Hate This Key can customize any system-wide keys on any keyboard. This
means deactivating a key completely (a very popular option for Caps
Lock), customizing them (for example, activating Caps Lock only when
pressed twice or held down), F-Lock inversion option for the functional
keys (F1 through F12), forbidding deactivating of Num Lock or any other
key, and allowing game users to block infamous Windows Logo key along
with system-wide key combinations (like Win+D) while playing games.
Here's a list of keys that are controlled by I Hate This Key:
Windows Logo key: this key could be blocked at all or blocked only when
you playing full-screen games; Windows Logo key combinations (like
Win+D) will be blocked along with Windows Logo key; if you're using old-
fashioned Terminal Services Client, then I Hate This Key will map your
Windows Logo key to Alt+Home combination;
Apps key: context menu key can be blocked out;
Caps Lock and Num Lock keys: these keys can be blocked at all or set to
activating only when pressed twice or held down for a while; you will
also be able to forbid deactivating of Num Lock, if you want;
F-Lock key: if you tired to turn on F-Lock key manually on every
computer startup, then this program will help you =3F your functional keys
will work even if F-Lock is turned off!
Power key: the program will disable a Power key on your keyboard or will
make it ask you what to do instead of turning your computer off!
Sleep key: you'll be able to either deactivate a Sleep key on your
keyboard or make it ask you what to do instead of making your computer
sleep without a word!
means deactivating a key completely (a very popular option for Caps
Lock), customizing them (for example, activating Caps Lock only when
pressed twice or held down), F-Lock inversion option for the functional
keys (F1 through F12), forbidding deactivating of Num Lock or any other
key, and allowing game users to block infamous Windows Logo key along
with system-wide key combinations (like Win+D) while playing games.
Here's a list of keys that are controlled by I Hate This Key:
Windows Logo key: this key could be blocked at all or blocked only when
you playing full-screen games; Windows Logo key combinations (like
Win+D) will be blocked along with Windows Logo key; if you're using old-
fashioned Terminal Services Client, then I Hate This Key will map your
Windows Logo key to Alt+Home combination;
Apps key: context menu key can be blocked out;
Caps Lock and Num Lock keys: these keys can be blocked at all or set to
activating only when pressed twice or held down for a while; you will
also be able to forbid deactivating of Num Lock, if you want;
F-Lock key: if you tired to turn on F-Lock key manually on every
computer startup, then this program will help you =3F your functional keys
will work even if F-Lock is turned off!
Power key: the program will disable a Power key on your keyboard or will
make it ask you what to do instead of turning your computer off!
Sleep key: you'll be able to either deactivate a Sleep key on your
keyboard or make it ask you what to do instead of making your computer
sleep without a word!