I got banned from a CoD4 server


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
Quite upsetting really, until I realised the server may be run by a bunch of spotty nerds who've never even held hands with a female in their miserable lives.

So I logged on to a free-for-all server, I notice there are lots of rules and regulations and stickies keep popping up 'Obey our rules or face the consequences' and admin spectators are criticising players, accusing them of cheating and bad gameplay.

I ignore this and just play on as normal. I note there's a a fair few clan members 'D2' present. Old fart Mr Flops manages to regularly kill quite a few D2 clan members. I say nothing, I toe the line, I play.

After about ten minutes I'm kicked, it says 'Admin decision'. I log back on and ask 'Why did you kick me' and they accuse me of spawn killing which is absolute crap, I don't do that. I reply 'If I was spawn killing it wasn't intentionally' and they say 'bb flops' (actually they say bb slippery sid cos that's my online name) I manage to type in 'Do you lot get off on being little Hitlers?' before I'm permanently banned.

What a bunch of pathetic little nerds but it still rubs me up the wrong way. They probably not even shaving yet.

So, I've thought about this before but this time I'm serious, I really fancy setting up a CoD2 server cos there's hardly any left, much less any non-customised ones or multi map servers.

I fancy a non-customised server with custom maps and if it weighs in at less than a tenner a month I'm seriously considering starting one. V_R, perhaps you could give me some advice here?

If I did do it, it would be a twelve place server and public - would anybody here be interested?

As for CoD4, luckily for me there are lots of servers within my reach so I'm still playing some good games.

The name of the server that banned me is |D2|Rankedwww.damnedd

PS: Found 'em: http://www.damneddefiants.com/
The net is full of keyboard warriors!
Your right, they are all about 11 and think they're god!
Oh - and also benefit scum who don't/can't/won't work but think they are our equels!

Setting up your own is the best option - I am not able to help as I don't do these type of games anymore. Good luck though.
Oh - and also benefit scum who don't/can't/won't work but think they are our equels!

Ahem excuse me I'm one of those BENEFIT SCUM you so typecast in your THIRD post on this forum.

Remember some of those BENEFIT SCUM who CAN'T work my have a legitimate reason

As for those who CAN or WANT too but because of the current jobs market are not able to find or are even offered a job because of the financial climate or financial particulars of different companies.

I will ask you to keep you one sided opinion to yourself until you have something constructive too say. I don't have a job. I look for work constantly. I have a child. He is well looked after. I have been here many years and I hope classed as a valued member of this community.

In short morons like you really pee me off!!!!!

Watch your mouth please!
Oh - and also benefit scum who don't/can't/won't work but think they are our equels!


I would be careful with such comments mate, specially on an FBS post, he will have ya, trust me, been on the wrong side of him already
Right.... back on topic!!!

That's a pretty strange server for admin spectators to post comments about the gameplay... at least it's no loss getting banned as you wouldn't want to play there again! Still annoying though :mad:.

I've had a look for COD2 servers and this one comes in at just under a tenner/month for 12 slots:


No idea if that company is any good, but thought it was worth posting.
Oh dear, not quite the response I was hoping to elicit.

Thanks for the link Ian, I'll look into that, I may very well give it a go, watch this space :)

And you're right, they're no loss to me I suppose, with their attitude.

This is a nation that has a safety net in place for those less fortunate than the majority and it's known as Social Security. And some people at some stages in their life have to use that safety net and claim benefits.

I've been paying into the scheme for around 40 years and on several occasions have briefly taken some back out. I don't begrudge paying in and I don't begrudge those taking out.

Yes, there are those who will abuse the system but they are a relative minority and that will happen in any walk of life. MP's expenses anybody?

I've no room in my life for haters so please, no more comments like that.
Unfortunately there are a lot of clans out there like that. Its probs coz you killed one of the admins to many times and they didn't like it, it see it sooooo many times....

I get called a hacker on a daily basis when i play any cod game. I just laugh and take it as a compliment now. :D

If your serious about a server flops we could probs work something out. If you want custom maps though you will need to use a mod of some kind. Last time i looked it was things like AWE4 or X4 were the ones to have. :)

Me, if i play cod4 its promod all the way.

Also i used to use these guys, their well cheap, hopefully they are still good - http://gtxgaming.co.uk/

However, if i was getting a server now, it would almost definitely be with GD - http://www.gamingdeluxe.co.uk/game-servers/Call_of_Duty_4_Modern_Warfare.html
Thanks for the input V_R, I'll have to do a little homework first, figure out how to set up custom maps and how to act out the admin duties, like, I suppose, banning cheaters. Hmm.

There were a bunch of German maps I particularly liked, can't remember their names but some of them were set in rooms where you were only the size of toy soldiers, I spent hours on those maps but all the servers seem to have dwindled away now.

So, lemme do some research, I'm wondering whether I can try it just for a few months or is there a minimum contract time? I'll take a look.
I'm sorry to have offended you, I see where my mistake is. I shouldn't have used the term "Don't" in the work scenario as many who don't work want to as I did until recently.
I do not wish to criticise job seekers as due to our goverment being useless, there are many.

I was refering to those who really do sponge and have no intention to work so sorry for my i'll worded comments.

To clarify - your scenario is like mine and I'm sorry to have offended.
But my oppinion is very harsh towards the workshy who unlike yourself don't bother trying to contribute to society.

Why is this in a CoD4 thread? Just an observation on my local layabouts who instead of job hunting like us all, just stay in anp play similar games.

I really shouyld keep these oppinions to myself on such places and I really should stop posting in the small hours at work while very tired.

Again - please accept my apologies and I hope I dont get kicked because of it.
I will behave.

PhasLat said:
I really shouyld keep these oppinions to myself on such places and I really should stop posting in the small hours at work while very tired.

Again - please accept my apologies and I hope I dont get kicked because of it.
I will behave.


No kick. that takes a lot, either outright abusiveness or spam. Or sometimes just plain stupidity.

Or maybe catching Mucks having got out the wrong side of bed, lol

I can sympathise with wishing I hadn't posted something, alcohol makes me do that sometimes, sad but true.

Anyhow, thanks for the apology and stuff.
I was gonna post, but it's your thread Flops, I knew you'd be a little more subtle than I in any response. :)

anyway, back on topic :sleep:

I'd be interested in some on-line flops. That is if you could cope with a total novice on board.
Depends on times but I'd be willing to chuck a few quid at it if I like it and if it helps.

I've installed CoD2 and double patched it onto my Win 7 machine and have just played through the single player Russian level. I've also loaded all the extra maps I had and have been downloading some more maps from Gamershell.

The maps I was referring to earlier were made by somebody called GOB (or persons called GOB) and I have two of them so far - one is GOB_Rats - but I don't know which ones they are, presumably, until I can access a control panel from a server supplier to have a look at them.

Of the three suggestions posted earlier the last one posted by V_R looks to be the best and that's probably the one I'll go for.

I done a scan for servers in Deathmatch only earlier and din't find a single one of about 1300 occupied at all, CoD2 has definitely dropped off in popularity.