After deciding to take the plunge and upgrade to Vista I have to say it has
been less than a pleasant experience. After hearing all the horror stories
about upgrading, I figured that most were newbies to upgrades and didn't know
what they were doing. I've been fiddling with Windows and upgrades since the
x286 release so I shouldn't have any problems. I've also built almost all of
my PCs as well so I'm very familiar with both the hardware and software
aspects. Before I started the upgrade I ran the advisor, several times
actually, and made the necessary hardware changes. I checked to make sure
that updates were available for all my programs and drivers and for the few
that weren't I would go ahead and buy the new versions. I'm now ready! From
the time that I put the DVD in all seemed to go smoothly, other than entering
in a small amount of info it was an uneventful install with no error
messages. It took maybe 20 minutes! The system rebooted and I was looking at
the Vista desktop. Yeah! Looking at all the new stuff I started poking around
and when I tried to move a window the screen went blank and then returned
with an error something to the effect of "display driver stopped responding
and then was restored". I must have forgotten to update the nVidia driver so
I do that. After restart it does again and again. Maybe the Certified for
Vista video card is bad so I go buy a new PCIe ATI card. EXACT SAME PROBLEM!
I could use the computer for about 10-30 minutes before it starts but once it
does it just keeps happening. I was willing to tolerate this until a patch
was created until this morning. For whatever reason the security features
have gone bezerk! I can no longer go to microsofts web site, it tells me
there is a problem with my internet provider, but I have no problem getting
to Best Buy or ATI's and many others. I understand that security was a big
selling point but OMG! At least make it easy for ME to manage, I can't figure
out how to turn stuff off and when I do it tells me I can't do that and won't
permit me to do certain things. So at this point I give up. I have removed
Vista and gone back to XP Pro. I will keep the box on the shelf collecting
dust or maybe use it for a big paperweight until some of the "issues" can get
worked out. I will say I did like the speed of the install, the look of Aero
and the flip 3D was neat but not worth the hassle of everything else. For
those of you who have upgraded successfully, kudos to you. Unfortunately I
have neither the time nor the inclination to continue with this when XP works
just fine. I will miss flip though.
been less than a pleasant experience. After hearing all the horror stories
about upgrading, I figured that most were newbies to upgrades and didn't know
what they were doing. I've been fiddling with Windows and upgrades since the
x286 release so I shouldn't have any problems. I've also built almost all of
my PCs as well so I'm very familiar with both the hardware and software
aspects. Before I started the upgrade I ran the advisor, several times
actually, and made the necessary hardware changes. I checked to make sure
that updates were available for all my programs and drivers and for the few
that weren't I would go ahead and buy the new versions. I'm now ready! From
the time that I put the DVD in all seemed to go smoothly, other than entering
in a small amount of info it was an uneventful install with no error
messages. It took maybe 20 minutes! The system rebooted and I was looking at
the Vista desktop. Yeah! Looking at all the new stuff I started poking around
and when I tried to move a window the screen went blank and then returned
with an error something to the effect of "display driver stopped responding
and then was restored". I must have forgotten to update the nVidia driver so
I do that. After restart it does again and again. Maybe the Certified for
Vista video card is bad so I go buy a new PCIe ATI card. EXACT SAME PROBLEM!
I could use the computer for about 10-30 minutes before it starts but once it
does it just keeps happening. I was willing to tolerate this until a patch
was created until this morning. For whatever reason the security features
have gone bezerk! I can no longer go to microsofts web site, it tells me
there is a problem with my internet provider, but I have no problem getting
to Best Buy or ATI's and many others. I understand that security was a big
selling point but OMG! At least make it easy for ME to manage, I can't figure
out how to turn stuff off and when I do it tells me I can't do that and won't
permit me to do certain things. So at this point I give up. I have removed
Vista and gone back to XP Pro. I will keep the box on the shelf collecting
dust or maybe use it for a big paperweight until some of the "issues" can get
worked out. I will say I did like the speed of the install, the look of Aero
and the flip 3D was neat but not worth the hassle of everything else. For
those of you who have upgraded successfully, kudos to you. Unfortunately I
have neither the time nor the inclination to continue with this when XP works
just fine. I will miss flip though.