I haven't found a Vista sub forum here, so I choose XP forum. I hope that
the correct peoples will see my bug report.
I got yesterday something funny with Windows Ultimate in the explorer, I
will describe you the steps I did on my newly installed system (Vista
1. On yopur desktoip you have the symbol with your username, which used to
be the "My Documents" folder in XP.
2. This symbol in XP you could go to propertys and move the folder to
another drive. I wanted to do that with Vista, this funktion is not offered,
3. I open the folder and find subfolders "Music", "Pictures", etc.
4. I click on "Music" with the right mouse button, selct properties in the
contect menu. I see that I can move the folder here to another drive. So I
created the folders on D: and moved all these folders to D:\my documents\xxxxx
5. On drive C: I have 45 GB free, on drive D: I have 450 GB free
6. I connect my USB drive with the backup of my datas, this is about 130 GB,
I copy them to d:\my documents\xxxxx and order them in the new folder
7. After that action I have 320 GB left on drive D:, c: ist still 45 GB
free. I close both windows. I can access my datas through the symbol on the
dektop, that's fine, the folder structure is a bit different from XP, but
that's Ok.
8. I decide to copy my music from my Windows Media XP Center system in the
living room to my music folder. That is about 60 GB, ripped from my larcge CD
9. I select the music folder in my media center PC, and open the folder in
the folder on my desktop. I select all the folders with albums etc. on my
media center and drop the symbols on the music folder.
10. now it starts sniffing my collection, looking how much files it has to
copy, 5 gig, 10 gig, 15 gig, ... some minutes later 40 gig, 45 gig ... A
windo pops up and tells me that I have not enough space on my drive to copy
more than 45 gig of files.
11. I reopen the my computer symbol, and look for the free space on my
12. On drive C: I have 45 GB free, on drive D: I have 320 GB free
Problem: I moved music folder to d:, want to copy a large amount files to
music, and explorer examines drive c: to get the free disc space of the copy
target which should be d:.
I solved by copying the files directly to d:\my documents\music\. But that
can only be a temporary solution, right?
I haven't found a Vista sub forum here, so I choose XP forum. I hope that
the correct peoples will see my bug report.
I got yesterday something funny with Windows Ultimate in the explorer, I
will describe you the steps I did on my newly installed system (Vista
1. On yopur desktoip you have the symbol with your username, which used to
be the "My Documents" folder in XP.
2. This symbol in XP you could go to propertys and move the folder to
another drive. I wanted to do that with Vista, this funktion is not offered,
3. I open the folder and find subfolders "Music", "Pictures", etc.
4. I click on "Music" with the right mouse button, selct properties in the
contect menu. I see that I can move the folder here to another drive. So I
created the folders on D: and moved all these folders to D:\my documents\xxxxx
5. On drive C: I have 45 GB free, on drive D: I have 450 GB free
6. I connect my USB drive with the backup of my datas, this is about 130 GB,
I copy them to d:\my documents\xxxxx and order them in the new folder
7. After that action I have 320 GB left on drive D:, c: ist still 45 GB
free. I close both windows. I can access my datas through the symbol on the
dektop, that's fine, the folder structure is a bit different from XP, but
that's Ok.
8. I decide to copy my music from my Windows Media XP Center system in the
living room to my music folder. That is about 60 GB, ripped from my larcge CD
9. I select the music folder in my media center PC, and open the folder in
the folder on my desktop. I select all the folders with albums etc. on my
media center and drop the symbols on the music folder.
10. now it starts sniffing my collection, looking how much files it has to
copy, 5 gig, 10 gig, 15 gig, ... some minutes later 40 gig, 45 gig ... A
windo pops up and tells me that I have not enough space on my drive to copy
more than 45 gig of files.
11. I reopen the my computer symbol, and look for the free space on my
12. On drive C: I have 45 GB free, on drive D: I have 320 GB free
Problem: I moved music folder to d:, want to copy a large amount files to
music, and explorer examines drive c: to get the free disc space of the copy
target which should be d:.
I solved by copying the files directly to d:\my documents\music\. But that
can only be a temporary solution, right?