I downloaded microsoft update 892130. Genuine validater. I cant restore my computer now.



I decided it is not good idea to have on computer so I tried to restore
to before the update but
windows wont let me. How does restore work because all the restores
were on the same day.
I had downloaded several updates that day. Why dont I have restore
dates prior to this day?

I went to tools and got rid of genuine validater plug. How much does it
cost to get a valid key?


Everything updated like I am genuine(im not) after removing the plug.
Thanks to the guy who mentioned this in august2006.

Is it true that if you go to the catalogue and download updates you get
around the validater?


I decided it is not good idea to have on computer so I tried to restore
to before the update but
windows wont let me. How does restore work because all the restores
were on the same day.
I had downloaded several updates that day. Why dont I have restore
dates prior to this day?

I went to tools and got rid of genuine validater plug. How much does it
cost to get a valid key?

Why don't you purchase a valid licensed copy of XP?


The computer I have is bascially worth about 20 bucks. Sending money to
bill gates is plain evil. Learn to think outside the box and dont spam
me with noise.


(e-mail address removed) wrote in @l12g2000cwl.googlegroups.com:
I decided it is not good idea to have on computer so I tried to restore
to before the update but
windows wont let me. How does restore work because all the restores
were on the same day.
I had downloaded several updates that day. Why dont I have restore
dates prior to this day?

I went to tools and got rid of genuine validater plug. How much does it
cost to get a valid key?

I removed that ms genuine spyware too, because it constantly phones to bill gates
when I have logged in and god knows what, even when I have a valid license. But
unlike in your case, the system rostore worked fine, I don't have a clue why for you

There's official way, how to remove WGA:

And a third party program called removewga, which does the steps described in KB

But seriously, if you don't have a licenced copy, you should obtain one ;) Bill gates is
rich enough, but it does not matter, he made windows to make money. Imagine if
everyone would stole the copy...



All my restore points were microsoft updates. Ive never had a problem
restoring before.
I guess it is one of those things. Thanks.


The computer I have is bascially worth about 20 bucks. Sending money to
bill gates is plain evil. Learn to think outside the box and dont spam
me with noise.

Being financially challenged as an excuse for theft? That's good. If you
don't want to pay for an OS then use one of the distros of linux, they're
free. But don't claim that you are justified in pirating software because
you are financially strapped. You're a thief.

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